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Displaying 2781-2790 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
47717Last TV show you watched<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>South Park. The &quot;Casa Bonita&quot; episode.</p> <p>I had no idea this was a real restaurant!</p> Mr MagicJul 07, 2021View
47716Patriotic Jerry<p>awesome work yet again Mr Magic :D</p> <p>@eddstar</p> <p>even though i draw cartoons, there&#39;s just something about drawing the familiar, copyrighted ones that have their own unique style in making them hard to draw, and that&#39;s why i mainly focus on drawing my own characters.</p> BenjanimeJul 07, 2021View
47715Richard Donner passes away at 91<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p><strong>Richard Donner</strong> was a movie making genius! Another Entertainment Great, has left the Stage!</p> eddstarrJul 07, 2021View
47714Patriotic Jerry<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>I remember in school trying to draw cartoon characters. It was waay harder than I was expecting. The proportions have to be just so. Yeah, I gave up. But I had a much deeper appreciation for animated characters.</p> eddstarrJul 07, 2021View
47713Patriotic Jerry<p>Yeah. I didn&#39;t make his fur as dark as I did with the other one.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicJul 06, 2021View
47712Patriotic Jerry<p>&nbsp;</p> <p><img src="" /><img src="" /><img src="" />&nbsp;Nice!</p> Vaporman87Jul 06, 2021View
47711Richard Donner passes away at 91<p>He also did some Tales from the Crypt episodes.</p> Mr MagicJul 06, 2021View
47710Summer 2021<p>I hope everyone had a happy AND healthy 4th.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicJul 06, 2021View
47709YouTube videos in the "Videos" section<p>The YouTube videos in the &quot;Videos&quot; section seem to be working again now thanks to Rakesh.</p> Vaporman87Jul 06, 2021View
47708The Patrick Star Show<p>speaking of avatar i still remember when the legend of korra&nbsp;was halfway through its series but nickelodeon chose to have the remaining future episodes only available to watch on their website. &quot;the legend of korra? no, no, fanboy and chum chum is what the kids should be watching on television!&quot;</p> BenjanimeJul 06, 2021View