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Displaying 26851-26860 of 49030 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
23000The CaféOK, now I really am offended. It's AUGUST. <br>shakin steakAug 14, 2015View
22999Theme & Amusement Parks<a href="">A man was killed at Cedar Point</a> recently, after performing a less than intelligent maneuver to retrieve some lost belongings. :(<br>Vaporman87Aug 14, 2015View
22998I must be pretty popular!aww shucks, i like feeling good about thing's!<br>PeZZ!Aug 14, 2015View
22997I must be pretty popular!<blockquote rel="PeZZ!"><b>PeZZ! wrote :</b><br><i> because the standard of living is much higher here and they probably could not get or had a hard time obtaining legal us citizenship.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I think it has less to do with standard of living, and more to do with the fact that you're here.<br>Vaporman87Aug 14, 2015View
22996I must be pretty popular!because the standard of living is much higher here and they probably could not get or had a hard time obtaining legal us citizenship.<br>PeZZ!Aug 14, 2015View
22995I must be pretty popular!<blockquote rel="PeZZ!"><b>PeZZ! wrote :</b><br><i> i have a feeling that alot of the people that are doing this are people from third world countries.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>And why is that?<br>Vaporman87Aug 14, 2015View
22994I must be pretty popular!i have a feeling that alot of the people that are doing this are people from third world countries.<br>PeZZ!Aug 14, 2015View
22993Kindergarten Cop (and it's sequel)<blockquote rel="echidna64"><b>echidna64 wrote :</b><br><i> I hear it's Dolph Lundgren </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Yeah. That seems to be the case. Which, could be fine for a straight to video release. We'll see.<br>Vaporman87Aug 14, 2015View
22992Unboxing the Christmas Goodie Pack<blockquote rel="Caps 2.0"><b>Caps 2.0 wrote :<br></b><i></i>Does this mean that there won't be any more Goodie Packs? I've purchased every one so far, and I've loved them all.<b><br></b><i></i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>No, no, no... that's not what I meant at all. Sorry for the confusion there. I was just going on about how peculiar it is that so few people respond to the idea of investing themselves in a community online, even when it might be rewarding both mentally and in the form of sweet swag. :lol:<br><br>That was it. There <span style="text-decoration: underline;">will certainly be</span> more Goodie Packs.<br>Vaporman87Aug 14, 2015View
22991I must be pretty popular!<blockquote rel="PeZZ!"><b>PeZZ! wrote :</b><br><i> People that i do not even know want to be another me and live another instance of my life and it seems that every day more of those people come along and it is having an impact on my physical and mental well being. I feel pretty special but at the same time overwhelmed by the enormous amount of people that want a piece of my existence.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Speaking only for myself, I can't imagine the sheer joy I would feel to live just one moment as PeZZ!. I would trade everything for that moment. Alas, I must continue on with this pathetic excuse for a life. <br><br><img src="">Vaporman87Aug 14, 2015View