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IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
23011Unboxing the Christmas Goodie Pack<blockquote rel="massreality"><b>massreality wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b style="font-size: 10pt;">Vaporman87 wrote :</b></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><i>... people just don't care enough to contribute or invest themselves in websites anymore.&nbsp;</i></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br>I agree with this statement, but one of the reasons I was hesitant to contribute is due to how hostile the internet is. On here a lot of time we're sharing very personal memories, and putting something like that out for the public to judge and tear apart is a very scary idea. At least on my own personal blog, I can control the comments, but when you submit something elsewhere, you are fair game to be crappped on. Ten to fifteen years ago, I was super active online in various message boards/newsgroups, but now this is the only board I actually contribute to. There are just too many jerks out there. I have no interest in fighting and arguing about the stupidest of things.<div><br></div><div>Of course, this community is fantastic and extremely supportive. Everyone here understands the preciousness of our childhood memories/interests, and takes time to make positive contributions. That's what makes this place so special. It rewarding enough being around like-minded individuals that respect one another. The Goodie Packs are just icing on the cake.</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><blockquote rel="massreality"><b><br></b></blockquote>Agreed all around. &nbsp;Everything is about ease and speed now. &nbsp;I've noticed even when posting on my Facebook page, if there's a picture attached, people will completely ignore the written portion. &nbsp;Strange indeed. &nbsp;<br>One of the reasons this site is a beacon in the dark waters of "retro nostalgia" is so often other sites/companies/people are simply feeding off of our cherished childhood memories. &nbsp;They say, "Oh, you remember Nintendo and would like to experience it again? &nbsp;Let's buy up as much of it as we can and sell it at a premium!"<br><br>It's the mass-marketed appropriation of our childhoods. &nbsp;<br><br>But here, there's none of that. As Vaporman said, "...<span style="font-family: Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; font-size: 12px; background-color: rgb(254, 253, 249);">you get to share your favorite memories AND get rewarded for it." &nbsp;That's incredibly rare these days. &nbsp;</span>oniparAug 14, 2015View
23010Unboxing the Christmas Goodie Pack<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b style="font-size: 10pt;">Vaporman87 wrote :</b></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><i>... people just don't care enough to contribute or invest themselves in websites anymore.&nbsp;</i></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><br>I agree with this statement, but one of the reasons I was hesitant to contribute is due to how hostile the internet is. On here a lot of time we're sharing very personal memories, and putting something like that out for the public to judge and tear apart is a very scary idea. At least on my own personal blog, I can control the comments, but when you submit something elsewhere, you are fair game to be crappped on. Ten to fifteen years ago, I was super active online in various message boards/newsgroups, but now this is the only board I actually contribute to. There are just too many jerks out there. I have no interest in fighting and arguing about the stupidest of things.<div><br></div><div>Of course, this community is fantastic and extremely supportive. Everyone here understands the preciousness of our childhood memories/interests, and takes time to make positive contributions. That's what makes this place so special. It rewarding enough being around like-minded individuals that respect one another. The Goodie Packs are just icing on the cake.</div>massrealityAug 14, 2015View
23009Full House If they could lose the goth look, they might look a little better.<br>Mr MagicAug 14, 2015View
23008Full House i bet the original versions of themselves are in much better standing!<br>PeZZ!Aug 14, 2015View
23006Full House Gah, have they already had plastic surgery? Or does that look just come from too much drugs/tanning/undereating?<br>shakin steakAug 14, 2015View
23005Full House they probably are just newer incarnations of the versions of them selves that started the full house show!<br>PeZZ!Aug 14, 2015View
23004Full House The Olsens are facing some legal troubles. They don't look good at all. They're 29, but they look like they're much older than that!<br><br><a href=""></a><br>Mr MagicAug 14, 2015View
23003ALVINNN and the ChipmunksYou can always record the show if you can't be there to see it.<br>Mr MagicAug 14, 2015View
23002The Café<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><br><i> OK, now I really am offended. It's AUGUST. <br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>:lol: I know... but man you just can't stop that craving for all things Fall/Halloween in this country. It's like a crazy relative that you keep locked in the cellar... beating constantly on the door to get out. Finally, you relent, even though you know he/she needs to stay down there. <img src="" height="20" width="20">Vaporman87Aug 14, 2015View
23001Kindergarten Cop (and it's sequel)@echidna64:<br><br>No kidding! That's what the article says, <img src="" title=":lol:"><br><br><br>Mr MagicAug 14, 2015View