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In The Summer Time


Retro Rooms Part Deux


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Displaying 2641-2650 of 48975 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
47865The Café<p>i&#39;ll just leave this here.</p> <p><img alt="" height="199" src="" width="436" /></p> BenjanimeJul 31, 2021View
47864Last Thing you Bought?<p>Hot Wheels wall decor from Hobby Lobby.</p> Mr MagicJul 30, 2021View
47863Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>&quot;I picked up a sweet ceramic Jack O Lantern at a garage sale and I&#39;ve been waiting all year to put it out. It&#39;s about 2 ft tall and you can burn a log inside it!&quot;</p> <p>Whoa, that sounds awesome! Very cool!</p> <p>@Ben, I missed that too. I wish they would still do stuff like this.&nbsp;</p> oniparJul 30, 2021View
47862The Café<p>Texas maybe, but Oklahoma?</p> <p>Plus, there&#39;s a rumor that Ohio State could be coming to SEC.</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div class="iframely-embed"> <div class="iframely-responsive" style="padding-bottom:56.25%; padding-top:120px"><a data-iframely-url="//" href=""></a></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicJul 30, 2021View
47861Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>wow, i must have missed this years ago</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> BenjanimeJul 30, 2021View
47860Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>I picked up a sweet ceramic Jack O Lantern at a garage sale and I&#39;ve been waiting all year to put it out. It&#39;s about 2 ft tall and you can burn a log inside it!</p> vkimoJul 29, 2021View
47859Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>not sure who else plays animal crossing here but some more halloween items were recently datamined, maybe the event will be even bigger this year ;)</p> <p><img alt="" height="338" src="" width="600" /></p> BenjanimeJul 29, 2021View
47858Halloween Nostalgia & More!<p>I need to revisit Outer Limits. I recently rewatched Eerie Indiana, and I checked out the new Are You Afraid of the Dark? Not as good as the first &quot;reboot season,&quot; but it was okay. If I&#39;m honest, I don&#39;t really start feeling &quot;Halloweenie&quot; until at least late August. On the other hand, I&#39;m always steeped in Halloween stuff. :pump:</p> oniparJul 29, 2021View
47856The Café<p>Even though it was a long time coming, they did the right thing and ended the show.</p> Mr MagicJul 29, 2021View
47855The Café<p>I am not shocked and think it is for the best. At this point Arthur has become yet another The Simpsons in terms of declining quality. Season 8 and 9 were the last good seasons for me. I saw some later episodes like the cancer special and the one where Binky gets a little sister from China. Those weren&#39;t too bad but their seasons as a whole were very lackluster overall.</p> Rick Ace RhodesJul 29, 2021View