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Displaying 26341-26350 of 49029 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
23521The CaféI think we found a major issue that we completely agree on :)<br>shakin steakAug 27, 2015View
23520Scene it - Retro-Daze Edition!Is it one of the Indiana Jones movies?Vaporman87Aug 27, 2015View
23519Scene it - Retro-Daze Edition!<div>Crime is a disease...and I'm the cure!</div><div><br></div><div><img src="/images/postImages/1440711641vlcsnap-2015-08-22-00h14m20s76.png" style="font-size: 10pt;"></div>jkatzAug 27, 2015View
23518The CaféI'd rather businesses NOT outsource to foreign countries at all. I would like them to not do it as a matter of principal, but if it doesn't benefit the bottom line, they're not going to go that route. You could either punish or provide incentive. I'd prefer a mixture of both though. Lower corporate taxes, but fine if they don't make changes in outsourcing. It's a lot more complicated than that I know, but just as a basic idea.Vaporman87Aug 27, 2015View
23517The CaféMalware links that appears in internet text.<br><a href=""><br></a><br>Mr MagicAug 27, 2015View
23516The Café<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i>... illegals ... welfare... <br></i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>While I know we'll somewhat disagree on them, those actually aren't the pathways I had in mind there, so... I dunno. I meant to refer to how all kids need access to options for creativity and empowerment but so many of them don't.<br><br>But on the topic of cracking down on businesses using illegal immigrant do you feel about businesses using foreign workers in their own countries and then importing their goods here?<br><br><br><blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> Yesterday, the text enhance links have been showing up on my computer. <br>&nbsp;</i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>What are those?<br><br>Firefox changed Yahoo to my default. I think they are trying to make sure Google doesn't have so much search market share.<br><br>shakin steakAug 27, 2015View
23515Scene it - Retro-Daze Edition! <div class="post-content"> @Vapor:<br><br>"Eh... perhaps we should stick with just movies. Not everyone watches sports."<br><br>I do, but I can't quite figure out that one. I just know it's the Vikings and the Falcons.<br></div>Mr MagicAug 27, 2015View
23514Congrats to vkimo!Congrats my friend. &nbsp;That's a heck of an accomplishment! &nbsp;I'm working hard to get there myself.mickyarberAug 27, 2015View
23513The CaféYesterday, the text enhance links have been showing up on my computer. I got rid of them for now.<br><br>But today, the AOL homepage automatically became my Firefox homepage. <img src="" title=":skep:">Mr MagicAug 27, 2015View
23512Subway spokeman Jared Fogle is in trouble.No, sir. I don't want anything to do with criminal activity.<br><br>Besides, Gene never done anything that could make me dislike him or set him up.<br>Mr MagicAug 27, 2015View