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Displaying 26011-26020 of 49029 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
23917Last Thing you Bought?Purchased a refurbished Dell desktop with Windows XP just for use with Pinnacle 12 and an older version of Audio Cleaning Lab. I use them for working on video editing, especially the Specials. The old desktop I have been using Pinnacle on works, but I think some performance issue causes the software problems when I try to render an entire project without having to first render portions of it separately... which causes a loss of video and audio quality. I'm hoping bringing everything over to a fresh "new" desktop will keep me from having to do things that way.Vaporman87Sep 10, 2015View
23916Things you don't like about this era.<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> @Rick Ace Rhodes:<br><br>Those are bizarre reasons to get in trouble at school.<br><br>There's been times when I wasn't allowed to use a pen during school, but that was like when we did the Aptitude Test or whatever.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>There was something odd about 5th grade and pens. That was the beginning of middle school for us (I know for most it's sixth but for us it was fifth). We never had pens on our school supply list in elementary school, but beginning in middle school we could bring both pens and pencils. However, for some reason in 5th grade none of our teachers allowed us to use pens. We could only use pens on special assignments and occasions. However, beginning in sixth grade our teachers didn't care about us using pens or pencils, we could use whatever we want to write with whenever we wanted.<br>Rick Ace RhodesSep 10, 2015View
23915The CaféWhen does it get released?Vaporman87Sep 10, 2015View
23914Things you don't like about this era.@Rick Ace Rhodes:<br><br>Those are bizarre reasons to get in trouble at school.<br><br>There's been times when I wasn't allowed to use a pen during school, but that was like when we did the Aptitude Test or whatever.<br>Mr MagicSep 10, 2015View
23913Things you don't like about this era.<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><br><i>I'm curious... what's your epithet for Elizabeth Warren?<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Hmm. Indian wannabe? :lol:<br>Vaporman87Sep 10, 2015View
23912Things you don't like about this era.I miss when music was about the music and not about acting inappropriately to get attention. Like with Miley Cyrus.<br>Mr MagicSep 10, 2015View
23911Retro Video Game Quotes ThreadChris: Wesker? Jill? What happened to Jill and Wesker?<br><br>Resident Evil 1<br><br>This quote kind of puts me in fear. Chris leaves them alone for a few moments, but when he comes back they're gone!<br>Mr MagicSep 10, 2015View
23910Things you don't like about this era.One of the things I definitely don't like about this era is the garbage music. All this repetitive pop, saying the same crap over and over, with the ripped off soundbites from other more popular tunes, garbage rap, nothing but regurgitated corporate crap that the masses are unfortunately eating right up.<br><br>I miss the olden days when music took actual effort and talent or had deeper meaning. <br>Linux_SageSep 10, 2015View
23909Retro Video Game Quotes Thread<img width="300" height="300" src="">Linux_SageSep 10, 2015View
23908Things you don't like about this era.The stupidity that is expressed in public schools. During grade school I got in trouble for some really stupid sh*t. One time in fifth grade I got lunch detention for using a pen (not a pencil) as a writing utensil in my social studies class. During my senior year of high school I got written up for being in the bathroom too long.Rick Ace RhodesSep 10, 2015View