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Displaying 25841-25850 of 49027 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
24090Hi Everyone<blockquote rel="kidcoffee"><b>kidcoffee wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="onipar"><b>onipar wrote :</b><br><i><br> Sorry for the late welcome, but I just saw this one! &nbsp;Glad you're liking it here. &nbsp;About to check out your latest article, cheers! </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'm liking it quite a bit. As for the articles I would just like to remind you I am not a writer, but in time I'd like to think I'll get better.&nbsp; </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Actually, very few of us are writers. But that doesn't stop us from sharing memories. Focus on the memory and helping the reader feel what you feel about it, and you can't go wrong.<br>Vaporman87Sep 15, 2015View
24089CEO of Nintendo Satoru Iwata passes away at 55Yeah. Only time will tell. It would be nice to see Nintendo dominate the market again like in the old days.<br>Vaporman87Sep 15, 2015View
24088Halloween Nostalgia & More!Oh my goodness, hating candy corn is so crazy to me!&nbsp; It is amazing, I love it.&nbsp; <br>mscreepyxSep 15, 2015View
24087Hi Everyone<blockquote rel="onipar"><b>onipar wrote :</b><br><i> Sorry for the late welcome, but I just saw this one! &nbsp;Glad you're liking it here. &nbsp;About to check out your latest article, cheers! </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I'm liking it quite a bit. As for the articles I would just like to remind you I am not a writer, but in time I'd like to think I'll get better.&nbsp;kidcoffeeSep 15, 2015View
24086Halloween Nostalgia & More!It's funny, most people think I named my FB page and horror shop "Candy Corn Apocalypse" because I love candy corn. &nbsp;In fact, my hatred is so great for the nasty stuff, that I'm certain it will be the sole cause of the inevitable apocalypse.&nbsp;<br><br><span style="font-style: italic;">And on the sixth day molten candy corn shall rain from the sky.</span><br><br>(I do love the concept of candy corn, the look of it, and I feel it needs to be in very home around Halloween. &nbsp;I just consider it strictly decorative). &nbsp;<img src=""><img src=""><img src="">oniparSep 15, 2015View
24085Hi EveryoneSorry for the late welcome, but I just saw this one! &nbsp;Glad you're liking it here. &nbsp;About to check out your latest article, cheers!oniparSep 15, 2015View
24084Favorite Simpsons Episodes@kidcoffee:<br><br>Yeah, it would be very difficult to pick just one fave. Can't be done.<br>Mr MagicSep 15, 2015View
24083Favorite Simpsons Episodes"Should we add school lunches to the discussion? Nah, I'm just kidding."<br><div class="post-content"><div class="post-content"><br>What a messed up thread that was!<br><br><span style="font-weight: bold;">Lisa the Vegetarian<br><br><img style="width: 559px; height: 363px;" src="/images/postImages/1442285216Lisa_the_vegetarian.png"><br><br></span>A good turning point for one of the key characters of the show.<span style="font-weight: bold;"><br><br><img style="width: 462px; height: 352px;" src="/images/postImages/1442285295screen-shot-2014-01-13-at-10.58.42-pm-650x496.png"><br></span></div></div>Mr MagicSep 15, 2015View
24082Favorite Simpsons EpisodesI am not sure if I could pick just one favorite, but the lone episode that has stuck with me the most has to be season 12 episode 9; HOMR. Whilst it was a bit disconcerting to see Homer smart, watching him finally bond with Lisa &nbsp;totally melted me. For as funny as this show is I sometimes forget how poignant it can be too.kidcoffeeSep 15, 2015View
24081Favorite Simpsons EpisodesShould we add school lunches to the discussion? Nah, I'm just kidding.<div><br></div><div>Cape Feare is one of the best episodes with Sideshow Bob.&nbsp;</div><div><br><img src=""></div><div><br></div><div>This is German for "The Bart. The."</div>blueluigiSep 15, 2015View