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Displaying 25661-25670 of 49026 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
24273BladeBlade is the best vampire hunter. The first movie was awesome.<br>vkimoSep 21, 2015View
24272Halloween Article Contest 2015<blockquote rel="Ajimbo"><b>Ajimbo wrote :</b><br><i> The school would buy a car from the local Nissan dealership that they let students pay to destroy with sledge hammers and cinder blocks right in the middle of the soccer field.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Too bad it wasn't the Principal's car that you were allowed to destroy every year. <img src="">Vaporman87Sep 21, 2015View
24271Random Videos ThreadYeah, this is fair.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe>Mr MagicSep 21, 2015View
24270Halloween Article Contest 2015Our elementary school still has a costume parade, but it isn't the same. I too miss the days of haunted houses and eating peeled grape eyeballs.&nbsp;kidcoffeeSep 21, 2015View
24269Random Videos Threadheaven and hell in the same race? sure, why not.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe><br>BenjanimeSep 21, 2015View
24268Halloween Article Contest 2015My elementary school had a "Fall Festival".&nbsp; The school would buy a car from the local Nissan dealership that they let students pay to destroy with sledge hammers and cinder blocks right in the middle of the soccer field.&nbsp; I always wondered if someone would get hurt from the broken glass on the field, but the groundskeepers cleaned it all up.&nbsp; It was a private school.<br>AjimboSep 21, 2015View
24267Random Videos ThreadThese can be found on the Who Framed Roger Rabbit DVD.<br>Mr MagicSep 21, 2015View
24266Random Videos ThreadRoger Rabbit Shorts:<br><br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe><br><br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>Vaporman87Sep 21, 2015View
24265Halloween Article Contest 2015<blockquote rel="mickyarber"><b>mickyarber wrote :</b><br><i> Well our harvest festivals always had a haunted house as well. &nbsp;Our gym also had a stage in it, so they would pull the curtain on the stage, and that's where the haunted house was set up. &nbsp;In the gym itself was all the games like ring toss, bean bag toss, darts and balloons...stuff like that. &nbsp;Attached to the gym was the cafeteria where bingo was held for the adults. &nbsp;Usually 20 games with really good prizes back in those days. &nbsp;You could also get refreshments there like hot dogs and stuff, and there was always a bake sale going on too. &nbsp;In addition to the bingo, there would be cake walks as well. &nbsp;The band room played host to the "disco". &nbsp;The lights were turned out and black lights were used and there was a DJ spinning music for dancing and stuff. &nbsp;In the main hallway, there was a general store set up where you could buy old fashioned candy and whatnot. &nbsp;And throughout the hallways there were displays set to celebrate the harvest season. &nbsp;Big pumpkins and various fall displays. &nbsp;<div><br></div><div>It was really a great time every year, and I was just talking with my wife last week about missing stuff like that. &nbsp;We've been actively searching out the local schools to see if any are doing anything like this. &nbsp;We really want to take our girls and share that type of great time with them.</div><div><br></div><div>Back in those days, that was out schools only fund raiser. &nbsp;We didn't sell candy, or pizza kits, or anything like that. &nbsp;That one night a year raised whatever extra funds the school needed. &nbsp;It was a much simpler time.</div> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Agreed. Crazy... much of what you described is exactly how it took place in my elementary school. The stage was often the haunted house, there were goods in the hallway just outside the gym, etc.<br>Vaporman87Sep 21, 2015View
24264Halloween Nostalgia & More!Soon, the dead will rise upon us.<br><br><img style="width: 665px; height: 499px;" src="/images/postImages/1442853211night-on-bald-mountain-ave-maria-078.jpg"><br>Mr MagicSep 21, 2015View