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What to Watch on Halloween


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Displaying 25651-25660 of 49026 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
24284BladeThe man can make other vampires disintegrate! Can't beat that. <br>Mr MagicSep 22, 2015View
24283BladeI like all three movies. My favorite is the third.Jrs1991Sep 21, 2015View
24282Album CoversI like the comic book cover look.<br><br><img style="width: 430px; height: 430px;" src="/images/postImages/144287158061zRi7iikiL.jpg">Mr MagicSep 21, 2015View
24281Halloween Article Contest 2015I never had anything like destroying a car or festival thing with prizes and candy being sold. I forget what they did at my junior high besides having a costume contest. The people at my high school were very lazy and would try to combine homecoming spirit week with Halloween. I think because one year they tried to combine homecoming week with Veteran's Day and all the students complained that they could not find costume supplies in mid November.<br>pikachuloverSep 21, 2015View
24280Halloween Article Contest 2015It was $250 per student to destroy the car.&nbsp; The cars were brand new because the car dealer and the dealership mascot came to the festival each year to deliver it and try to make some sales.<br><br>Believe me, it was obnoxious.&nbsp; They had a barrel of of prizes, but they only let certain people reach the bottom to get the best stuff.&nbsp; Everyone else was told to just pick from the top of the barrel.<br><br>My favorite thing was the one I actually worked at.&nbsp; It was a big box shaped like an elephant that could fit a few people and it had a trunk.&nbsp; People would place tickets in front of the elephant, I would swing the trunk over the ticket, pick it up through the trunk with my arm, and leave a goody bag with those cheap spider rings and candy.<br>AjimboSep 21, 2015View
24279Halloween Article Contest 2015That does sound obnoxious, but then again so does all of it.<br><br>How much did you have to pay to beat up the car? Were they working cars and if not why did the dealership still have them? <br>shakin steakSep 21, 2015View
24278Halloween Article Contest 2015Elementary students obviously had help from their parents paying the money and with the destruction. <br><br>One thing I didn't like was that students at the festival could buy a "warrant" to arrest you for $5, and they would haul you off to a "jail" until you waited for 30 minutes or paid $10 to get out.&nbsp; Some kids were sent right back in jail after paying to get out because someone had a warrant with their name on it.<br>AjimboSep 21, 2015View
24277Random Videos Threadsplinter? that's definitely splinter.<br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="420"></iframe><br>BenjanimeSep 21, 2015View
24276Halloween Article Contest 2015I'm just trying to picture 10 year olds swinging sledge hammers<br>shakin steakSep 21, 2015View
24274BladeBlade's look has changed quite a bit since his first appearance in the 70's. <img src=""><br><br><img style="width: 543px; height: 475px;" src="/images/postImages/1442862435Blade first appearance.jpg"><br>Vaporman87Sep 21, 2015View