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Displaying 24781-24790 of 49024 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
25178The Little Rascals (1994)<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b></b></blockquote>Yikes. Somebody doesn't care much for Full House.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>LOL I think I've made that abundantly clear in the Full House thread. <img src="">&nbsp; Really though, who? Derek S. Boyd? Oh he was on 9 episodes, out of nearly 200? Not the best example to answer a question about later success, IMO. That's what's called "damning with faint praise"<br><br><a href="//" style="height: 20px; width: 40px; position: absolute; opacity: 0.85; z-index: 8675309; display: none; cursor: pointer; border: medium none; background-color: transparent; background-image: url(&quot;&quot;);"></a>shakin steakOct 14, 2015View
25177Halloween Article Contest 2015I fear Micky would contract something much more dire than a cold. &nbsp;:-poniparOct 14, 2015View
25176PodcastsNew episodes of the Retro Rewind Podcast and Past Forward are available now on the <a href="">Podcasts page</a>.<br>Vaporman87Oct 14, 2015View
25175Steven Spielberg is thinking about producing another Jurassic Park:lol:<br><br>So funny... and so true:<br><br><br><iframe src="" allowfullscreen="" frameborder="0" height="315" width="560"></iframe>Vaporman87Oct 14, 2015View
25174The Little Rascals (1994)I did like the brief, but notable appearances by John Goodman, Mel Brooks, and Reba McIntyre in the Little Rascals film. <br>Mr MagicOct 14, 2015View
25173The Little Rascals (1994)<blockquote rel="shakin steak"><b>shakin steak wrote :</b><br><i> <blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i><br> The boy with the glasses played Derek S. Boyd in Full House.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>He said success, not a bit part in a garbage show that went on 6 seasons too long.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>Yikes. Somebody doesn't care much for Full House. I never watched much of it myself, but I respect it's nostalgic value to others. <br>Vaporman87Oct 14, 2015View
25172Halloween Article Contest 2015<blockquote rel="mickyarber"><b>mickyarber wrote :</b><br><i>I don't think I'm gonna get to make it to the Special, which is a real bummer because we were going to make it the main event of our family night this week&nbsp;<img src=""> <br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>That does stink. Sorry to hear that man. Perhaps you should go lick the handles of some Walmart karts in hopes of coming down with a cold or something that would let you call off work. :lol:<br>Vaporman87Oct 14, 2015View
25171The Little Rascals (1994)<blockquote rel="thecrow174"><b>thecrow174 wrote :</b><br><i> The boy with the glasses played Derek S. Boyd in Full House.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>He said success, not a bit part in a garbage show that went on 6 seasons too long.<br>shakin steakOct 14, 2015View
25170The Little Rascals (1994)Man, I don't think I've seen that since 1994. I remember it being quite good though.massrealityOct 14, 2015View
25169The Little Rascals (1994)The boy with the glasses played Derek S. Boyd in Full House.<br>Mr MagicOct 14, 2015View