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Displaying 221-230 of 49049 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
50462Tim Burton unveils new Beetlejuice movie title and poster<p>Very much looking forward to this.</p> Vaporman87Apr 13, 2024View
50461It's official.<p>I saw a meme joking that &quot;OJ can rest easy now knowing that his wife&#39;s real killer is dead&quot;. LOL</p> Vaporman87Apr 13, 2024View
50460It's official.<p>Indeed.</p> <blockquote rel="eddstarr" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>eddstarr wrote :</strong> <p><em><img alt="" src="" /></em></p> <br /> <p><em>Nicole and Ron . . . Rest In Peace</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> BlueNovaApr 12, 2024View
50459It's official.<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Nicole and Ron . . . Rest In Peace</p> eddstarrApr 12, 2024View
50458It's official.<p>I did see one flashback where Brian and a friend were watching the verdict. And when it was read, Brian showed his disapproval while his friend showed his approval.</p> <p>They pointed their magnums at each other and said maybe they should get new roommates.</p> BlueNovaApr 12, 2024View
50457It's official.<p><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">Wonder if he ever saw the few Family Guy skits of him.</span></p> BenjanimeApr 11, 2024View
50456Tim Burton unveils new Beetlejuice movie title and poster<p>Teaser</p> <div data-oembed-url=";cvid=b74b2328f88b4dc0a6b2b8450b170a34&amp;ei=26"> <div> <div style="height:0; left:0; padding-bottom:66.6667%; padding-top:120px; position:relative; width:100%"><iframe allowfullscreen="" src="//" style="top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; border: 0;" tabindex="-1"></iframe></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> BlueNovaApr 11, 2024View
50454Chocolate bubble gum. Yes, there is such a thing.<p>When this image appeared in a random search - I just about fell outta my chair!</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> eddstarrApr 10, 2024View
50453Dire Straits - Money for Nothing<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Lol, there&#39;s more to the story, but I tell the short version - no one want&#39;s a novel.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>&quot;we gotta move these refrigerators - we gotta move these color TV&#39;s&quot;</p> <p>MTV changed music, and television. What an unlikely series of events that a catch phrase from the &#39;50&#39;s and &#39;60&#39;s, forgotten by a new generation, thrown in the lyrics of a mega-hit song,&nbsp;yet picked-up and changed ever so slightly; to become the new rally cry for a kickass cable channel. That&#39;s the 80&#39;s<em> fer ya!</em></p> eddstarrApr 10, 2024View
50452Dire Straits - Money for Nothing<p>Ah, so that&#39;s how that line came to be. From a bunch of guys whining for hot cereal. XD</p> BlueNovaApr 09, 2024View