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Displaying 22351-22360 of 49022 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
27646Articles - in video formi unfortunately don't have a regular usb microphone, but i can use a turtle beach headset just fine for recording my voice and probably one of these days i'll share like a work in progress or a preview. just be warned, my voice heard over a microphone sounds like steve urkel, but a bit more nasally. i'm glad to hear a few are already giving the idea an approval, it'd be nice to get at least one off the ground to see how it comes out in response.<br>BenjanimeJan 04, 2016View
27645Was 2015 good for you?The Common Core still exists, though the details vary from State to State. Many of the English Language and Math requirements have changed but even in States that dropped out of the mandates of CC, those States continue to follow parts of the curriculum that was agreed to when the standards were enacted back in 2010.eddstarrJan 04, 2016View
27644If you were doing a TV show/movie, what would you spoof?Well, not all Filmation cartoons can be winners. :lol: The animation reminds me so much of the show spoof "Sealab 2021". <br>Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27643Articles - in video formAn interesting idea for sure. Like mass mentioned, people would need some knowledge of how to accomplish it. That and a knack for making things sound interesting, and not just reading a script like a robot. <img src="">Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27642Was 2015 good for you?We actually have a few folks in education here. Anybody have thoughts on Common Core?<br>Vaporman87Jan 04, 2016View
27641If you were doing a TV show/movie, what would you spoof?After all these years "Star Trek - The Animated Series", from 1973/1974, still leaves a bad taste in my mouth.&nbsp;<div><br></div><div>What I would like to do is make an animated comedy version where Kirk, Spock and McCoy are all retired from Star Fleet. They pool their money together to buy the decommissioned Enterprise at salvage value, to turn it into a cargo transport and haul freight between Federation colonies.</div><div><br></div><div>Think, "Red Dwarf" - for profit! &nbsp; &nbsp;<span style="font-size: 10pt;">Let's call my idea, "Enterprise: For Hire".</span></div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;"><br></span></div><div><span style="font-size: 10pt;">Ya know with better animation and comedy writers, the show should write itself. Couldn't get any worse than the that awful Filmation cartoon. Take a look at this clip where the famous Carter Winston reveals himself as an alien. This scene has the most action of the entire series!</span></div> <iframe width="560" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen=""></iframe>eddstarrJan 04, 2016View
27640Articles - in video formI think it would be pretty cool for those with the know how to make it interesting.massrealityJan 04, 2016View
27639If you were doing a TV show/movie, what would you spoof?Sounds like a good commercial rebirth idea for Coca-Cola.Mr MagicJan 04, 2016View
27638Articles - in video formThat would be cool. I would narrate mine like a <a href="">Creepypasta video</a>.Rick Ace RhodesJan 04, 2016View
27637If you were doing a TV show/movie, what would you spoof?After last years amazing <a href="">Super Bowl ending</a>, I thought of the perfect way to parody <a href="">Mean Joe Greene's Coke Ad</a>:<div><br></div><div>Have Russell Wilson getting cheered up by the kid after the game, and then when he throws the kid the jersey, it get's intercepted by a Patriots fan.</div>Rick Ace RhodesJan 04, 2016View