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Displaying 21661-21670 of 49022 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
28363The CaféEvents like Royal Rumble and Wrestlemania stopped being fun. I doubt the crowd is enjoying tonight's event. They hardly enjoy Raw. The reaction is usually silent.<br>Mr MagicJan 25, 2016View
28362Famous Superheroes<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> Cool. Thanks for the clarification Edd.<br> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>The DC Captain Marvel was first so he's the one I know. The story of Billy Batson able to transform into Captain Marvel is the story that America embraced and I try to stay away from legal battles over "similarities" between characters.<div><br></div><div>Notice the complex nature of the back stories? Guess it has something to do with human superheros versus an alien from another planet.</div>eddstarrJan 25, 2016View
28361The GoldbergsThe Double Dare episode was funny. <br>pikachuloverJan 25, 2016View
28360The Café<blockquote rel="Jrs1991"><b>Jrs1991 wrote :</b><br><i> Is anyone else watching the royal rumble tonight? </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>I might.Rick Ace RhodesJan 25, 2016View
28359The CaféIs anyone else watching the royal rumble tonight?Jrs1991Jan 25, 2016View
28358The Café<blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><b>Vaporman87 wrote :</b><br><i> It's so much fun to watch this whole <a href="">controversy with Academy Awards</a> being too "white" play out before me. Here are rich people living in a bubble who think Affirmative Action is so great for "the rest of us", but hate how it's inconveniencing them. This is better than 99% of entertainment available right now.<img src=""> </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><br></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87"><br></blockquote><blockquote rel="Vaporman87">Yeah, it seems like all of these rich and famous people are always miserable. They have everything you could ever want or need and they don't have to worry about much but all they ever do is whine and pout about the most trivial things. I always think that if i was in there spot making movies or music, that i would be so happy because i would be doing something so cool and fun and wouldn't be doing backbreaking jobs. But they weren't nominated for a meaningless award, so they're lives might as well be over.</blockquote>Jrs1991Jan 25, 2016View
28357Winter 2015/2016<blockquote rel="eddstarr"><b>eddstarr wrote :</b><br><i> What's the outlook for the week ahead? Will everyone sit-tight or try for business as usual? </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>It's looking like business as usual here. Even school will be back in session tomorrow. Pretty much all the State and County roads are plowed. A few Township roads still need attention.<br>Vaporman87Jan 24, 2016View
28356Winter 2015/2016<blockquote rel="eddstarr"><b>eddstarr wrote :</b><br><i> What's the outlook for the week ahead? Will everyone sit-tight or try for business as usual? </i><b>-end quote</b></blockquote>My area should warm up throughout the week. Given that all the sidewalks and roads have been thoroughly plowed, it look's like this week should be normal.Rick Ace RhodesJan 24, 2016View
28355Winter 2015/2016What's the outlook for the week ahead? Will everyone sit-tight or try for business as usual?eddstarrJan 24, 2016View
28354Random Pictures Thread<img class="transparent" alt="" src="">Mr MagicJan 24, 2016View