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Displaying 2051-2060 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
48467Vertical Horizon - Everything You Want<p>I was always a pretty big fan of this song. It came out right after I got out of high school and well... I felt like I could relate to it quite a bit at the time.</p> massrealityNov 06, 2021View
484668 Bit Christmas<p>Arnold Schwarzenegger was a giant action figure that flies. What&#39;s more interesting than that?&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="eddstarr" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>eddstarr wrote :</strong> <p><em>Looks like a fun twist on, &quot;Jingle All The Way&quot;, with something more interesting than Turbo-Man.</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicNov 06, 2021View
484658 Bit Christmas<p>Looks like a fun twist on, &quot;Jingle All The Way&quot;, with something more interesting than Turbo-Man.</p> eddstarrNov 05, 2021View
48464That time when Something Awful roasted RetroJunk<p>What a coincidence!</p> <p>I was just remembering earlier this week when Debristorm,&nbsp;back in 2009, invited me to join Something Awful. And that was after two of my RJ posts got the SW treatment! They sure knew how to kick, and make it stick.</p> <p>Making fun of everyone gets real old, real fast. Kinda takes all the joy out of being superior!</p> <p>Thanks for the Awful link, Ben.&nbsp;<img src="" /></p> eddstarrNov 05, 2021View
484638 Bit Christmas<p>No matter what today&#39;s kids might say, the retro times outmatch today&#39;s times.</p> Mr MagicNov 05, 2021View
484628 Bit Christmas<p>Yeah, can&#39;t say I would have even noticed had I not read his comment.&nbsp;</p> oniparNov 05, 2021View
48461Video game tracks.<p>In honor of the Braves&#39; 95 and 2021 WS win.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> Mr MagicNov 05, 2021View
484608 Bit Christmas<p>eh, i mean in the end it&#39;s just a movie, even in movies from the past years there&#39;s been a mistake or two, especially in back to the future with that jar of candy being like half eaten in a different shot.</p> BenjanimeNov 05, 2021View
484598 Bit Christmas<p>Yeah, this looks like it&#39;ll be a great nostalgia bomb. I&#39;ll most definitely watch and keep my fingers crossed that it will be good enough to justify adding to my yearly Christmas watch list.</p> <p>One interesting note. I follow someone on Facebook that pointed out a few anachronisms, inculding the TV being used in one scene, the graphics on the screen being too &quot;arcade quality&quot; for the NES. This was his full comment:</p> <blockquote> <p>&quot;I love Nostalgia. Really do.</p> <p>But can we quit ****ing up how obsolete media is represented in these &#39;80s period-set projects? That is not a VHS recording, that style of TV is mid-90s and the NES didn&#39;t support arcade-level graphics. Unless there&#39;s an element in the story where the Dad is mixing time-periods, which is an actual good concept to deal with those blatant issues.&quot;</p> </blockquote> <p>I don&#39;t usually get too nitpicky about this sort of thing, but I thought it was an interesting point.&nbsp;It does seem that they may be playing around with mixed up time periods though, between his, &quot;&#39;87, no &#39;88, ummm, late &#39;80s&quot; bit, on top of the cutaways to his daughter questioning the reality of the story.&nbsp;</p> oniparNov 05, 2021View
484588 Bit Christmas<p>Nothing like a good retro-themed movie.</p> <p>Long live the 80s!!!</p> Mr MagicNov 05, 2021View