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Displaying 2021-2030 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
48497Superunknown<p>Fell on Black Days, nothing but great hits on that album</p> echidna64Nov 10, 2021View
48496Superunknown<p>This album also features a short track called &quot;Kickstand&quot;</p> <p>Some of you might know it from Road Rash.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> Mr MagicNov 10, 2021View
48495Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>That is really cool vkimo. I really don&#39;t have a lot of memories of Thanksgiving. It was one of the more boring, uneventful holidays when I was a kid. We would just go to my grandparents house. I don&#39;t really have any obscure relatives that came over. It was just my family, my grandparents, my aunt, my one uncle. Sometimes my other uncle and my cousin. Occasionally my grandmother would invite a friend over.</p> <p>I remember Thanksgiving 2005 we spent the night over. I got to sleep in the living room on the couch. Since everyone else was upstairs, I spent the entire night watching TV. I had some memorable Thanksgivings later in High School. 2009 my dad built a homemade smoker and we had pulled pork that year. 2010 it was just me and him on our own so we spent the entire day on the couch&nbsp;eating paninis and watching movies. 2012 I had my wisdom removed a couple days before so I remember trying to gum down my steak.</p> <p>I don&#39;t know what we have planned this year. My fathers has a bunch of steaks in the freezer that we have to cook off.</p> Rick Ace RhodesNov 10, 2021View
48494Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>This year it will probably just be us having a nice dinner. I don&#39;t care for turkey so we throw a cornish game hen on the Ronco grill. I&#39;ll watch Plains, Trains and Automobiles and call it a day. I definitely get nostalgic when I think of the early Thanksgivings of my youth. The ones where 30 people were crammed into a house,&nbsp; and you played with the cousins you only saw once a year. In my adult years I really look back and enjoyed the memories of those obscure realtives that seemed to come out of the woodwork, I remember one year this 500 pound man in overalls was at my grandmas, he ate a ton and I remember my mom saying he lived by himself and didn&#39;t have a phone.</p> vkimoNov 10, 2021View
48493Banjo-Kazooie Re-Jiggyed<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Gotta have a wee bit-o-artwork!</p> eddstarrNov 10, 2021View
48492Superunknown<p>The guys over at &quot;Sound Opinions&quot; at WBEZ - Chicago, have been asking for years why Soundgarden doesn&#39;t get more love from 90&#39;s music fans. The Seattle music scene was an awesome way to closeout the 20th century.</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> eddstarrNov 10, 2021View
48491Cable Company Branded TV's<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>It actually makes sense.&nbsp; A Comcast XClass TV will offer up every bit of information possible on viewers.&nbsp;</p> <p>Looks like Great Britain will get &quot;Spy Glass&quot; along with their &quot;Sky Glass&quot;.</p> eddstarrNov 10, 2021View
48490Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>Food, family, and Sting. Sounds like a fun Thanksgiving.</p> <blockquote rel="massreality" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>massreality wrote :</strong> <p><em>We&#39;re having Thanksgiving early just with my mom, my wife, brother and his fiancee. Afterwards, I&#39;m planning on attending Wrestlecade where I&#39;m meeting Sting!</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicNov 10, 2021View
48489Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>We&#39;re having Thanksgiving early just with my mom, my wife, brother and his fiancee. Afterwards, I&#39;m planning on attending Wrestlecade where I&#39;m meeting Sting!</p> massrealityNov 09, 2021View
48488Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p>Not sure what Thanksgiving will look like for us yet.</p> Vaporman87Nov 09, 2021View