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Displaying 1961-1970 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
48558Thanksgiving Nostalgia & More!<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Pumpkin pie is awesome, but I love a good apple crumble, but don&#39;t put oatmeal in the topping!</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> eddstarrNov 23, 2021View
48557Yes . . . but is it a Comedy?<p>My brother-in-law always says, &quot;the laughs make it good, the underlying eeriness makes it great&quot;.</p> <p>I agree, but if you overdo the former, you ruin the latter!</p> eddstarrNov 23, 2021View
48556Yes . . . but is it a Comedy?<p>i mean it has enough memorable quotes to be a comedy, especially winston&#39;s &quot;if someone asks you if you&#39;re a god, you say YES!&quot; line.</p> BenjanimeNov 23, 2021View
48555Yes . . . but is it a Comedy?<p>I say if it makes you laugh, it must be a comedy.</p> Mr MagicNov 23, 2021View
48554Incinvible<p><strong>Thank you again!</strong></p> <p>I blame myself for not scrolling through the &quot;Amazon Original&quot; feed&nbsp;on my Prime Video account. I&#39;ve been pissed ever since &quot;The Tick&quot; got the axe.</p> eddstarrNov 23, 2021View
48553My Ghostbusters III Pitch<p>Amazing!&nbsp;You&#39;ve picked up on the historical ties between New York and Belgium.&nbsp;</p> <p>Belgium is a kingdom made up of two major groups, the Flemish (Flanders) in the North who speak Dutch, and Wallonia (the Walloons) in the South who speak French. Among the first settlers of New Amsterdam were the Walloons and they secured the region for the Dutch. Maybe the origin of &quot;Wall Street&quot;?</p> <p>And you&#39;ve also picked up on the old stories that people don&#39;t talk much about these days.</p> <p>Wall Street was considered by old timers to be a bad choice for NYC&#39;s financial center because of &quot;Waalstraat&#39;s&quot; slaver past, and the legends of ghosts and spirits that used to haunt the early settlers. Reports of &quot;sightings&quot; by people who work in the Financial District used to appear and make the news from time to time, up through the 1960&#39;s.</p> <p>But that was a long time ago and you don&#39;t hear about any of that stuff anymore.</p> eddstarrNov 23, 2021View
48552Ghostbusters III<p>That sounds like an overall great experience with free tickets and a private screening!&nbsp;</p> <p>Based on the trailers it reminds me of The Force Awakens which was a soft reboot with a basically plagiarized third act haha</p> echidna64Nov 23, 2021View
48551Ghostbusters III<p>&nbsp;</p> <p>Ok, so I just got back from watching it with my 7 year old daughter.</p> <p>I feel like I would have enjoyed it more under different circumstances. The movie tickets were free through my emplpyer but paying $17 for a popcorn and fountain drink kind of put me in a sour mood heading into it haha - I also hate how the movie&#39;s start time doesn&#39;t include the nearly 30 minutes of previews/ads you have to sit through. My kid has a limited attention span so by the time the movie started we were halfway out of popcorn...</p> <p>The movie itself was alright. I was kind of hoping for a more retro perspetive kinda like what Bumblee did for&nbsp;Transformers. I agree the casting for Egon&#39;s granddaughter was pretty impressive. The brother&#39;s character seemed pretty redundant and his relationship with the diner girl was way too reminsent of Stranger Things. My favorite scene was the romp through town on the Ecto 1, it was in broad daylight and it was a cool chase all together. The finale with Gozer was so anticlimatic, and the cameo was honestly kind of weak. I&#39;ve watched the original Ghostbuster&#39;s movies at least 3 times each, but probably wouldn&#39;t watch this again. This may have to do more with my childhood connection with the films because who knows, if I were to see the original for the first time, who&#39;s to say I would enjoy it as an adult?</p> <p>The coolest thing about the whole expreince hands down was that we were the ONLY people in the theater. We could laugh and chat, my daugter even ran down the aisles to blow off some energy from sitting haha and she liked it, which is all that matters.</p> vkimoNov 23, 2021View
48550Clifford the Big Red Dog movie<p>Absolutely! Not everything in the cinema world can be adult-oriented!</p> <blockquote rel="eddstarr" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>eddstarr wrote :</strong><br /> <br /> &nbsp; <p><em>Family Friendly films are fewer these days, there should be waay more.</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <blockquote rel="eddstarr" style="display: inline-block !important;">&nbsp;</blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicNov 23, 2021View
48549Ghostbusters III<p>What did you guys think? I&#39;m planning on checking it out this Friday</p> echidna64Nov 22, 2021View