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Displaying 1511-1520 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
49017Cartoon episodes or shorts you recommend<p><img alt="" src="" /></p> <p>Not many people liked Star Trek: The Animated Series, but the show had its moments. Take the&nbsp;episode, &quot;The Slaver Weapon&quot;. Above is a picture of the Slaver device&nbsp;in it&#39;s most powerful setting - a total conversion of mass into energy weapon.</p> <p>But when the Kzinti captain orders the Slaver device to activate it&#39;s most powerful setting - see below!</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> eddstarrFeb 21, 2022View
49016Chip n Dale movie<p>Why so surprised, echidna? Everything else has gotten the live action/CGI treatment.</p> Mr MagicFeb 21, 2022View
49015The Café<p>So I am going to give you all a lesson on why math and basic thought is important.&nbsp;Earlier today I ran out to the supermarket because my mom and dad wanted rotisserie chicken for dinner. I picked it up for them, stood in the only line that was open at my supermarket and paid with a $20 bill.</p> <p>When I get back home I go through my change and realize something wasn&#39;t right. I remember the total at the store came up somewhere&nbsp;in the $11 range. But yet I had $13.65 in my pocket. I checked&nbsp;the receipt. The total was $11.35, the change due back was $8.65. But yet I had $13.65. A ten, three singles, two quarters, a dime and a nickel.</p> <p>I figure it out pretty quickly: the cashier accidentally gave me the wrong amount back. She meant to give me a five, she accidentally gave me a ten instead. It happens when you are in a rush.&nbsp;I want to do the right thing so I decide to head back to the store. My mom on the way out tells me since I am going back to pick up a thing of butter.</p> <p>I head back to the store. The cashier is busy so I decide to pick up the butter first and then get into line to give the ten dollars back to her. I eventually get to the front after picking up the butter. I explain to her what she did and that I was returning the ten to get a five back.</p> <p>She tells me thank you for doing that. She takes the ten and puts it back in her drawer. She then proceeds to scan the butter and doesn&#39;t give my the five back. I figure she was just going to deduct the price from the five and give me back the remaining change.</p> <p>Instead she tells me the price without giving me the five back.</p> <p>I point out to her that I wanted to use the change I was originally owed to pay for it. It was somehwere in the $3.30 range.&nbsp;I didn&#39;t have enough cash on me to cover the butter and I forgot to bring my card with me.</p> <p>She then says &quot;Oh&quot;and proceeds to punch-it in. She hands me back the new change.&nbsp;I had back home to eat dinner. When I get there I realized I had&nbsp;over $6.00 in change in my pocket. I didn&#39;t understand how. The three singles from the original batch of change I had left at home before going back out. I should have only had a buck and some coins leftover.</p> <p>I then realized she had deducted the price of the butter from the ten I had returned to her despite me telling her she had given me the ten by mistake.</p> <p>If you have any kids at home, tell them to stay in school.</p> Rick Ace RhodesFeb 21, 2022View
49014The Café<p>@Mr Magic</p> <p>even outside of rotten tomatoes i didn&#39;t find it all too bad. i&#39;ve been seeing that most people didn&#39;t like it because of the casting, and apparently some others didn&#39;t want to see a young nathan drake.</p> BenjanimeFeb 20, 2022View
49013The Café<p>Would you guys pay to watch the new Uncharted film?</p> Mr MagicFeb 20, 2022View
49012Voltron. Original series.<p>you know, of all these comic book crossovers i&#39;ve seen, i&#39;m surprised there hasn&#39;t been some kind of idea of profit being made, especially when voltron recently had that netflix reboot</p> BenjanimeFeb 19, 2022View
49011Voltron. Original series.<p>I can just imagine how many Voltron/Power Rangers fanfiction stories there are.</p> Mr MagicFeb 19, 2022View
49009Voltron. Original series.<p>pretty much, but IN SPAAAAAAACE</p> BenjanimeFeb 18, 2022View
49008Voltron. Original series.<p>Wow!</p> <p>So Voltron is an imitation then?</p> Mr MagicFeb 18, 2022View
49007Retro Manic! on YouTube<p>Game will be live in just a few...</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="height:0; left:0; padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; width:100%"><iframe allow="accelerometer; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture;" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="" style="top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; border: 0;" tabindex="-1"></iframe></div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Feb 18, 2022View