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Displaying 1411-1420 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
49118The Café<p>@edd:</p> <p>When I first found out about Phil&#39;s&nbsp;health, I found out he&#39;s gotten so weak he can&#39;t pick up a drumstick.</p> Mr MagicMar 29, 2022View
49117The Café<p>There&#39;s more to this story.</p> <p>Everyone at last night&#39;s Oscars knew well in advance that Will Smith would win his first Academy Award for &quot;King Richard&quot;. Every person in attendance at the Dolby Theatre knew that this year Will Smith would claim the award of a lifetime, the&nbsp;Oscar.</p> <p>Last night was <strong>Will Smith&#39;s Night</strong>. The Academy seated him up front, a sure sign of success, and a signal to everyone that he&#39;s a Winner. Mr. Smith&nbsp;was mentally prepared for his big acceptance speech - everything was going accouding to plan.</p> <p>But as we all saw, Will couldn&#39;t keep it together over a poorly executed joke by Chris Rock. One stupid 30 second jab and Will Smith did the unthinkable - he went on-stage, during Chris Rocks&#39; hosting segment, and slapped him. Will Smith is an actor, and an adult. What Chris Rock did was stupid, what Will Smith did was assault.</p> <p>By The Academy&#39;s own defination, Chris Rock was assaulted. Chris Rock and/or The Academy can press to have Will Smith formerly charged with assault. Legal action could move The Academy to take back Will Smith&#39;s Oscar. A single moment&#39;s rash action has undone a lifetime of work for Will Smith.</p> <p>The Twitterverse is all lit up because Will Smith&#39;s actions has reminded everyone - Men of Color are trouble and need to be closely guarded at big events because they do violence against each other. Understand, Will Smith assaulted Chris Rock in front of the whole world, showing everyone how Men of Color always behave.</p> <p>What Will Smith did also taints me. Whoever we become in life, a banker, an actor, a college professor, or a school principal - Men of Color are always suspect, give it time . . . and we all slip up!</p> <p>Now, do you understand?</p> <p>Imagine next year&#39;s Oscars with plain-clothed police, stationed everywhere. I sure hope Not!</p> eddstarrMar 28, 2022View
49116The Café<p>The funniest thing about this whole Will Smith-Chris Rock drama was that Smith was literally laughing at the joke before he went up and slapped Rock. The only reason he did it was because his wife forced him to.</p> Rick Ace RhodesMar 28, 2022View
49115The Café<p>And let me add that Phil Collins is a much better man than Will Smith. Phil understands that the times call for self-control and minding one&#39;s temper. Chris Rock makes awful jokes because he views the Hollywood crowd as his friends, and it&#39;s OK to joke about your friends.</p> <p>If Will Smith has simply stayed in his seat, like everyone else around him, he could have talked to Chris in private, like an adult. This incident will have repercussions!</p> <p>Going forward - Oscar security will have to know in advance the winners in every category and Only those people will have access to the stage. No one else will be able to approach the stage. Will Smith <strong>should not</strong> have been able to go on-stage during Chris Rocks&#39; hosting routine.</p> eddstarrMar 28, 2022View
49114The Café<p>Well, my man Phil Collins has had his last concert this past weekend.</p> <p>Darn those health issues!<img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicMar 28, 2022View
49113Random Pictures Thread<p>And so it begins...</p> <p><img alt="" src="" /></p> Mr MagicMar 28, 2022View
49112RetroJunk on the mend?<p>as far as adding new features goes i think it&#39;s too little too late. many of the memorable users that joined there around 2009 that are now gone has&nbsp;completely made me lose interest in going back. when mezasemaster (scott) attempted to bring at least a few of them back, they all left again after about a month or two.</p> <p>i think what really broke it for me was when that downgrade first started and the article scoring system was messed up allowing for a user to upvote or downvote any article continously, and of course orangejuice90s downvoting one of mine because he was being greedy with upvoting one of his own. i was really getting fed up with some of the new users there that were having their way and being spoiled and entitled.</p> BenjanimeMar 28, 2022View
49111Cartoon episodes or shorts you recommend<p>Porky&#39;s Party</p> <p>What makes it a classic is the shenanigans of the silkworm.</p> <p>He&#39;s just doing his job. XD</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="height:0; left:0; padding-bottom:75.2083%; position:relative; width:100%"><iframe allow="encrypted-media;" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="" style="top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; border: 0;" tabindex="-1"></iframe></div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicMar 28, 2022View
49110The Café<p>Sounds like a better plan.</p> Mr MagicMar 28, 2022View
49109The Café<p>I would probably have said something about it during the speech that he was almost certainly going to give, since he was a shoe-in to win the Oscar later. At MOST, I would have voiced my displeasure from my seat like he did AFTER striking Chris.</p> <blockquote rel="Mr Magic" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Mr Magic wrote :</strong> <p><em>@Vapor:</em></p> <p><em>What would you have done?</em></p> <em> </em><strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Mar 28, 2022View