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Displaying 1371-1380 of 48973 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
49160Stranger Things Thread Part Deux<p>Looking (and sounding) pretty sweet!&nbsp;</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="height:0; left:0; padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; width:100%"><iframe allow="accelerometer; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture;" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="" style="top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; border: 0;" tabindex="-1"></iframe></div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Apr 12, 2022View
49159Order of Cosmic Champions and "The Novel"<p>Hardcover pre-orders are currently available through Amazon and Barnes &amp; Noble!</p> <p>Amazon: <a dir="ltr" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;keywords=9781626349667&amp;qid=1649775018&amp;sprefix=9781626349667%2Caps%2C63&amp;sr=8-1&hellip;</a></p> <p>Barnes &amp; Noble: <a dir="ltr" href="" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">;jsessionid=F0DA3AD62F9053114B63C9E156731C28.prodny_store02-atgap15?ean=9781626349667&hellip;</a></p> <p><img alt="" height="451" src=" Facebook Post.png" width="600" /></p> Vaporman87Apr 12, 2022View
49158The Café<p>The &quot;Nighty Nightmare&quot; short from Garfield and Friends was scarier.</p> Mr MagicApr 12, 2022View
49157The Café<p>&nbsp;of all the selling out there&#39;s been of garfield, i wonder how jim davis feels knowing that this ride failed.</p> <div data-oembed-url=";lc=UgzAFTVUuaGu7YurcuZ4AaABAg.9_gpPsmwtgx9_hPtlFwlnD"> <div style="height:0; left:0; padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; width:100%"><iframe allow="accelerometer; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture;" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="" style="top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; border: 0;" tabindex="-1"></iframe></div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> BenjanimeApr 12, 2022View
49156The Café<p>Hey! A real-life School of Rock! Nice!</p> <blockquote rel="Vaporman87" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Vaporman87 wrote :</strong> <p><em>Nah. He&#39;s never too busy to give an impromptu high school test.</em></p> <br /> <blockquote rel="Mr Magic" style="display: inline-block !important;"><em><strong>Mr Magic wrote :</strong></em><br /> &nbsp; <p><em><em>I&#39;m sure David was too busy touring and whatnot at the time.</em></em></p> <br /> <br /> <br /> <em><strong>-end quote</strong></em></blockquote> <br /> <p><em>&nbsp;</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicApr 11, 2022View
49155The Café<p>Nah. He&#39;s never too busy to give an impromptu high school test.</p> <blockquote rel="Mr Magic" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Mr Magic wrote :</strong> <p><em>I&#39;m sure David was too busy touring and whatnot at the time.</em></p> <br /> <strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Apr 11, 2022View
49154The Café<p>I&#39;m sure David was too busy touring and whatnot at the time.</p> Mr MagicApr 11, 2022View
49153The Café<p>What they didn&#39;t tell you was that the teacher was David Lee Roth.</p> <blockquote rel="Mr Magic" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Mr Magic wrote :</strong> <p><em>These middle school kids were taking a test and while the exam was going on, their teacher was actually playing loud music and taking his shirt off!!!</em></p> <em> </em> <p><em>These kids were stressed out enough over the test, and this nut pulls something like this! Well, anyway it&#39;s over for him!</em></p> <em> </em><strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Apr 11, 2022View
49152The Café<p>These middle school kids were taking a test and while the exam was going on, their teacher was actually playing loud music and taking his shirt off!!!</p> <p>These kids were stressed out enough over the test, and this nut pulls something like this! Well, anyway it&#39;s over for him!</p> <div data-oembed-url=";guce_referrer=aHR0cHM6Ly93d3cuZ29vZ2xlLmNvbS8&amp;guce_referrer_sig=AQAAAF8z6FRMrQOU2GsQBmkYonm37gpg7SJ3JiqKlTZNaw6KBRUPn53HUo5W4R4ERbSlVEc6ZSaN1rF-dys3kyJPqRMxhUtzp2XaMCJgSmcqLibIONFpC97HNYc8do5lm2o4-wZ34-gYMhteml4jQfvc9AN0sWyhr019gFn81gnCG6pB"> <div class="iframely-embed"> <div class="iframely-responsive" style="padding-bottom:56.25%; padding-top:120px"><a data-iframely-url="//" href=""></a></div> </div> <script async="" charset="utf-8" src="//"></script> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicApr 10, 2022View
49151In the Mouth of Madness (1994)<p>That review certainly persuaded me to see it.</p> Mr MagicApr 09, 2022View