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Displaying 1141-1150 of 48968 results.
IDThreadDescriptionPosted ByPosted On 
49385Order of Cosmic Champions and "The Novel"<p>Evan&#39;s attitude towards Tommy got me interested. I can&#39;t wait to read more into that.</p> Mr MagicJul 21, 2022View
49384Order of Cosmic Champions and "The Novel"<p>Yeah. We didn&#39;t have the best selection of films at school either.&nbsp;</p> <blockquote rel="Mr Magic" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Mr Magic wrote :</strong> <p><em>I&#39;m lovin&#39; it so far.</em></p> <em> </em> <p><em>As much as I enjoyed &quot;To Kill A Mockingbird&quot; I think I&#39;d wanna watch something else on the last day of school.&nbsp;</em></p> <em> </em><strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jul 21, 2022View
49383Order of Cosmic Champions and "The Novel"<p>I&#39;m lovin&#39; it so far.</p> <p>As much as I enjoyed &quot;To Kill A Mockingbird&quot; I think I&#39;d wanna watch something else on the last day of school.&nbsp;</p> Mr MagicJul 20, 2022View
49382Good series finales.<p>The ups and downs of Sam and Diane&#39;s relationship&nbsp;is an amazing part of the series.</p> <p>Also, Avatar: The Last Airbender is a show I wanna revisit in its entirety again.</p> Mr MagicJul 20, 2022View
49381The Café<p><span style="font-family:Arial,Helvetica,sans-serif">nintendo just announced a second reminder about the nintendo wii u and 3DS online stores closing next march, and added funds no longer being acceptable in late august. this is still sad to think about, as both were the last nintendo systems to actually buy classic games, without the need of having an online subscription, as well as exclusive games not found anywhere else as rereleases, and still to this day, the wii u is the only console to have DS games to be classic titles as purchases.</span></p> <p><span style="font-family:Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif">since nintendo has also been a bit stingy as of late with game preservation, i think it&#39;s safe to say that there shouldn&#39;t be an issue pirating the games that won&#39;t see a rerelease. if you&#39;re fine with playing the games on CRT, that&#39;s fine. but me being in my mid 30s now, i just can&#39;t see it being good for my eyes with that fuzz on the screen, it has to be smooth.</span></p> BenjanimeJul 20, 2022View
49380James Webb Space Telescope First Image<p>Man. Some incredible images. Stunning views of infinite numbers of galaxies!</p> Vaporman87Jul 19, 2022View
49379Good series finales.<p>Yeah, that one had a lot of feelings&nbsp;tied to it. That Sam and Diane thing was a long and drawn out fling that people had quite the emotional investment in.</p> <blockquote rel="Mr Magic" style="display: inline-block !important;"><strong>Mr Magic wrote :</strong> <p><em>Watched the Cheers finale today.</em></p> <p><em>Looking at it in this day and age, it&#39;s easy to see why it was so good.</em></p> <em> </em><strong>-end quote</strong></blockquote> <p>&nbsp;</p> Vaporman87Jul 19, 2022View
49378Good series finales.<p>Today it has been 14 years since the ending of Avatar: The Last Airbender. I don&#39;t think there has ever been a better ending to a childrens cartoon. It had so many great scenes: the White Lotus liberating Ba Sing Se. Sokka, Suki and Toph vs the airship fleet. Zuko and Katara battling a mentally detoriating Azula. And of course, Aang vs Ozai in the final battle.</p> <p>I think my favorite scene had to the final few minutes. Zuko gets crowned the firelord, Aang is cheered on by the crowd and finally embraced as the Avatar. Then we get the final scene where Aang and Katara kiss, finally becoming a couple. The perfect ending.</p> <div data-oembed-url=""> <div style="height:0; left:0; padding-bottom:56.25%; position:relative; width:100%"><iframe allow="accelerometer; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture;" allowfullscreen="" scrolling="no" src="" style="top: 0; left: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; position: absolute; border: 0;" tabindex="-1"></iframe></div> </div> <p>&nbsp;</p> Rick Ace RhodesJul 19, 2022View
49377Say goodbye to that bland PG-era WWE fans<p>I feel like it is too little too late. Even if they brought back the edgier stuff, it doesn&#39;t necessarily mean the matches return to being good.</p> <p>I was having a conversation with my uncle recently&nbsp;who actually worked in the indie circuit back in the day. He said something that really dawned on me why the matches in today&#39;s wrestling suck: they have gone too overboard with the focus on the flashy moves and the performence of them.</p> <p>A wrestling match should be two opponents telling a story with their match and having a fight that looks realistic. Instead we have wrestlers just performing moves on each other in a way that isn&#39;t realistic to an actual fight. You have to be able to incorperate moves properly into a match, not just do them to do them.</p> Rick Ace RhodesJul 19, 2022View
49376Good series finales.<p>Watched the Cheers finale today.</p> <p>On the evening of May 20, 1993, everyone was glued to one network: NBC. Well, not everyone. At the time, the 7 year-old me was either playing Nintendo or watching Nickelodeon lol</p> <p>Looking at it in this day and age, it&#39;s easy to see why it was so good.</p> <p>Here&#39;s a short special that aired right before the finale.</p> <p><iframe frameborder="0" height="315" src="" title="YouTube video player" width="560"></iframe></p> Mr MagicJul 16, 2022View