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Displaying 4221-4230 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
835ArticleVaporman87Yeesh, those sound just awful! If you can't give out Americanized candy, don't give it out at all. LOL Oct 17, 2013View
837VideoVaporman87A real classic. And a very catchy song. This is HalloweenOct 22, 2013View
839ArticleVaporman87Does it make any sense to you that there is a local community having a costume party/dance on Nov. 2nd? How can you feel like you're in the Halloween spirit AFTER Halloween? It's like opening your Christmas presents 3 days after Christmas day.Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveOct 22, 2013View
840VideoVaporman87I love these videos with men playing guitars that aren't present in the actual song. LOL. I miss that.Breakfast Club-Right On TrackOct 30, 2013View
841VideoVaporman87Wow. That hair is just... eeesh.Robert Brookins-Come To MeOct 30, 2013View
844ArticleVaporman87I noticed Flutterina will be making an appearance in the MOTU Classics line. She must have went on one of those makeover shows, because she looks slightly different, though very much still Flutterina. And they have somehow managed to make NA Skeletor bearable to look at... which he certainly was not when first released. LOL Great interview Miss M. Retro-Daze Presents: Toy Talk with Miss M!Nov 06, 2013View
849ArticleVaporman87It was just a fact of marketing toys back then that, if you didn't get a half hour cartoon to go along with your product, it had far less a chance to succeed. I don't remember anything about the Golden Girls. Though, I can see from the commercials the reason for that. She-Ra was a spin off of He-Man, which had a huge following with boys. So, as a boy, you were far more likely to know about She-Ra (and in many cases, buy some of the figures). Also, She-Ra had several supporting male characters, and even her arch nemesis was male. With Golden Girls, it appears the entire cast was female. I'm guessing this tied her success to being able to defeat other Mattel lines like Barbie. Not the competition you want for your toy line. Great read Miss M.! Thanks for this.Attack of the Warrior Women!Nov 07, 2013View
850ArticleVaporman87Yeah. It's funny how age changes things like that. Pretty soon we will be the ones handing out the coupon books. LOLTop 5 Best and Worst things to get in...Nov 07, 2013View
852ArticleVaporman87I just now noticed in the first Golden Girl commercial that they show some of the male figures right at the end. They actually look kind of cool, from what I could tell.Attack of the Warrior Women!Nov 08, 2013View
855ArticleVaporman87Wow. Nice collection Miss M! I don't know why, but I was surprised by the amount of creativity that Lego put into these figures of the past. I associate all the little creative touches and added flourishes with today's Lego figures. I don't know why I didn't realize how far back Lego has actually been playing around with the original design of the minifigs, and coming up with new and different ways to play around with the concept. Out of the bunch, I would say the pirate takes the cake... at least in terms of uniqueness. Great list Miss M! Thanks for this.Miss M’s Top 10 Lego Minifigures!Nov 13, 2013View