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Displaying 4671-4680 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1082ArticleFulton4VI liked ecco the dolphin but it was such a hard game. I would get frustrated by it all the time. The grafix were very good for the time. May 07, 2014View
1083ArticleBenjanimei never did play the sega genesis originals, but i rented the sega CD version of the first game from blockbuster long ago. it was okay to me, but not really my cup of tea. but if you want a game that really goes into evolution you should try E.V.O. for the super nintendo. i plan on covering it in a future articleEcco the DolphinMay 07, 2014View
1068ArticleVaporman87I would like to hear some of these songs "remixed" with updated beats and sounds. Some of the overall sound would really play well even today. I think it's great that Jem is getting a movie (finally) and although some today may wonder who the heck she is, Jem is something that could appeal to a large group of people of all ages.Jem and the Holograms: Top Five SongsMay 01, 2014View
1063ArticleBenjanimethere was a dunkin' donuts cereal? while i'm glad to be an 80's birthchild i wish i'd been old enough to try out these wacky foods that brand companies had to offer. then again there was the 'oreo o's' cereal from around 1998 that my mom would get at sam's clubA Logo of LoveApr 15, 2014View
1064ArticleVaporman87I miss Oreo's cereal and Dunkin' Donuts! Both were very tasty, if not very healthy. lol. I always disliked Tab. It tasted just awful. But Diet Rite... that's like tasting a zombie broken down into a soda. It's horrifically bad. My grandma always had it in her fridge, and it was about the ONLY soda/pop she had. A Logo of LoveApr 15, 2014View
1066ArticleMissMOh Benjanime, the Dunkin Donuts cereal was everything. It tasted so good. There was a lot of good food in the 80's. I remember my brother liking the Oreo O's cereal in the late 90's, but I wasn't interested in breakfast at that time. I bet they were really good though. And Vaporman, every time I do find myself drinking Tab, I feel my insides die just a little. lol It is like soda made with Sweet 'n Low. I know all about Diet Rite though, that stuff was pretty bad, though I love your description. lol Broken down zombie. lol A Logo of LoveApr 16, 2014View
1058ArticleVaporman87I was VERY glad to hear about The Goonies making a comeback. Such a great film. Hopefully it is fun and fresh, while still paying a great deal of homage to the original.The Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 14, 2014View
1059Articleechidna64I actually met "Chunk" (Jeff Cohen) in person and we were working on a super secret article for Retrojunk but unfortunately it was during the website update fiasco in which the article never came to fruition. The Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 14, 2014View
1060ArticleVaporman87That stinks! It would have been very cool to look back on now!The Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 14, 2014View
1061ArticleBenjanimewhile i'm not all that excited about the sequel, i will give it a chance since the original director's involvedThe Goonies 'R' Good EnoughApr 15, 2014View