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1430ArticleNLogan@Hoju here are my Scary Stories and my son's Scary Stories that have new artwork. <img width="300" height="300" src="/images/postImages/141326342520141013_212456.jpg"> Looking at some of my pictures for the wax museum I saw I forgot they also had Rocky, Chuck Norris, Hulk Hogan, Abbott and Costello, and the cast of the Wizard of Oz. Oct 14, 2014View
1431ArticleVaporman87I think we've all had at least one of those stories passed around regarding "the house next door" or some escaped murderer on the loose. Kids love scaring other kids. I was not immune to it, unfortunately. More than once, I made up a story about a little girl getting caught in hidden quicksand in the woods behind our house (DOH!). Naughty, naughty. And there was at least one house in our little neighborhood that could have easily been the subject of a scary tale (though it wasn't). One thing that IS true, and can be good for giving a kid some fright, is that the catfish in the Ohio River (a mere 10 minutes from me) can reach the size of men. I've seen pictures of some that were almost that size, caught be people I know. Tales of them were pretty regular after divers began searching for the remains of people who had died in the Silver Bridge Collapse in the town over from us (and also across the river in Point Pleasant WV). Oh, then there was that whole Mothman thing... but that's a whole other subject unto itself.Scary Stories from the SchoolyardOct 14, 2014View
1432ArticleHoju Koolander@NLogan Wow, that is an impressive and costly collection. You may be the only person who bought Hulk 180 and 181 for The Wendigo appearance, LOL. @Vaporman I wanna see those catfish, freaky! By the way, I called my Dad last night to confirm the first story about the haunted house, he said it was 100% true. Apparently the people that did buy it years later totally remodeled it to eliminate any connection to the deceased owners and possible haunting...crazy.Scary Stories from the SchoolyardOct 14, 2014View
1435ArticleNLoganNah, my big favorites were X-Men, Hulk, and Spider-Man. My favorite was Wolverine when he was still cool. My collection runs from the 1960s-1990. But I do like the wendigo but he just happened to be in the hulk and X-Men books and it sort of pertained to this conversation. If you want to check out a creepy weird wendigo movie watch Ravenous. Oh I like how the paper in this article is in Latin.Scary Stories from the SchoolyardOct 14, 2014View
1406ArticleVaporman87I didn't realize Knott's was owned by Cedar Fair. They also own the two big Ohio parks (King's Island and Cedar Point). That's cool. Cedar Fair does do a Halloween/October makeover to each of those parks, but they aren't as elaborate as what happens at Knott's. Still, I'm guessing they put what they have learned from Knott's to work in those parks... which can only make them better. Haunting MemoriesOct 09, 2014View
1407ArticlepikachuloverCedar Fair took over in the late 90s I think. The Halloween Haunt was the first of its kind for theme parks. Haunting MemoriesOct 09, 2014View
1409ArticleBenjanimethe knott's halloween haunt must've been a real treat to go to :) unfortunately there's not a lot of halloween events here in virginia since the busch gardens theme park down in williamsburg has a bevy of halloween things going on during the month of october. great article!Haunting MemoriesOct 09, 2014View
1411ArticleVaporman87@Ben: Did I ask you how that was? I can't remember now. Your trip to the Busch Gardens Halloween thing.Haunting MemoriesOct 09, 2014View
1412ArticleBenjanimeno, but after i got back home i'd posted my experience. it wasn't as good as some of the past 'howl-o-scream' halloween events. some of the attractions had little mazes to go through, but the employees that usually have to do their job to give people a scare didn't really do much in making them jump this time around. my stepdad took some photos of a few things that they had on display around the parkHaunting MemoriesOct 09, 2014View
1413ArticleVaporman87I'd be interested in seeing them if you get the chance. Post them in the Halloween Nostalgia and More thread, if you ever feel inclined to. :)Haunting MemoriesOct 09, 2014View