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Displaying 4201-4210 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4642ArticleBenjanimeIn most cases, some of the stuff listed actually helped me get through a depression phase I was having during my time in high school. I won't go against opinion and I do see your point, some view it different than others. I guess since school was still taking its toll with my social life I felt like these were all underrated things that I was missing out on at times. Oct 26, 2018View
4643ArticleHalcyonDazed710I majorly agree with your third point. The iPod, and the internet in general has made it so easy to store all of our favorite music, movies, books, etc in the palm of our hands. That kind of easy access to years and years of quality culture is simply astounding to think about, even now. However, there's also a certain sadness derived from being able to pull up all the great pop culture from the '80s and '90s, only to find how much all the modern stuff pales in comparison. It sometimes seems like the only good movies and music to come out these days are the kind that have a retro element at play. Or maybe that can just be chalked up to personal taste and my hatred for the cell phone Snapchat culture we are now living in. The 2000s decade wasn't that badOct 26, 2018View
4644ArticleHalcyonDazed710Thanks for the kind words @Vaporman87! I need to get around to writing more stuff. I really enjoy reading the articles everyone contributes. @jkatz Never tried Josta but I remember seeing it around. If they bring it back, I will definitely scoop it up. @Hoju Koolander Yeah, I bought about three cases when I found it. It was on sale too, which was a nice bonus.Reviewing the Retro Soda ComebacksOct 26, 2018View
4645ArticlejkatzI've said it before, but the internet was a lot more fun back in the 2000s. Newgrounds, Ebaums World, Myspace, etc. Freedom of speech was taken for granted and easily offended people were a minority and rightfully mocked.Everything online seemed fresh and exciting. Maybe it had something to do with the overall culture, I don't know. Also, you forgot about The Matrix movies. Those were huge back in the day.The 2000s decade wasn't that badOct 28, 2018View
4646Articleretroboytoonami was coolThe 2000s decade wasn't that badOct 28, 2018View
4647ArticleretroboyI never played Bayu BillyNintendo Discoveries: The Adventures of Bayou BillyOct 28, 2018View
4648ArticleBenjanime@jkatz oof, the matrix also inspired certain video games to borrow that bullet time effect as well from its success, it was nothing short of groundbreaking in cinema. The 2000s decade wasn't that badOct 29, 2018View
4649ArticleCaps 2.0About a decade ago, I wrote two articles for RetroJunk that compared the music of the 00s favorably to the music of the 80s. The two pieces were rare disasters for me in terms of feedback, with even users who normally liked my writing giving the articles thumbs down and giving me a lot of hell for daring to write positive things about 00s pop culture on a nostalgia website. Looking back in hindsight, I would've done a lot differently with those articles. I would've analyzed the music better and I would've chosen different artists to praise. This was all because I wasn't able to properly explain that, in my opinion, feeling that pop culture went to Hell after a certain date is just nonsensical. Although my life in the 00s was just as bad as my life in the 90s, I did prefer the pop culture of the 00s to the pop culture of the 90s, but I know that many have the same passion for 90s pop culture that I do for 80s pop culture. I also know that, if it isn't being done already, soon the people who spent their childhood and teen years in the 00s will be writing articles for sites like this about how those years were special for them. In summation, decades treat everyone differently, and in my opinion, no one should catch heat for speaking positively about whichever era they like. The 2000s decade wasn't that badOct 30, 2018View
4650Articleretroboythat is old schoolRetrojunk Classic: The 90's Holiday Trilogy: HalloweenOct 30, 2018View
4651Articlejkatz"In summation, decades treat everyone differently, and in my opinion, no one should catch heat for speaking positively about whichever era they like." That's a good way of putting it, Caps.The 2000s decade wasn't that badOct 31, 2018View