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Displaying 3871-3880 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3217VideofuschniktHa! My band plays a ska-punk version of this! Dec 14, 2015View
160VideoAceNThaHoleHa! Man its been ages since I watched this movieRevenge of the Nerds trailerJan 18, 2013View
1186ArticleVaporman87Ha! Life comes full circle when the bully winds up working the counter at a 7-Eleven. I can sympathize with your plight in Little League. I played Little League baseball for a short time in grade school as well. I quit for reasons I can't really remember. I think it had something to do with witnessing another player on my team get a black eye getting hit by a pitch. I was better suited for Cub Scouts, which I stayed with for a far longer period of time, still quitting it before entering Webelos though. I have a long history of not finishing things. How this website ever came into being is a miracle. LOL Little (Skills) LeagueAug 27, 2014View
3931ArticleVaporman87Ha! Laughable, these. You have to love Adam X. Seriously. Nothing screams "EXTREME!!!" more so than that guy. He makes every other "EXTREME!!!" style character look like Dick Tracy. My Five Favorite Super Losers of the 90'sJun 08, 2017View
734VideoarizvegaHa! I Remember seeing that on TV before!!! Such a classic nice Upload Dude!!!!Ziploc Freezer BagsJul 19, 2013View
2591ArticleVaporman87Ha! I love the trailer for this one. It's so bad, it HAS to be good. It looks as though it was filmed in somebody's house with a home video camera. LOVE that about it. What really made me laugh though, was the scene with the feet walking down a flight of stairs. That EXACT SAME scene was filmed for one of our home movies back in the day. Same angle and everything. That's hilarious.Heavy Metal-Sploitation Part 2Aug 31, 2015View
5557ArticleVaporman87Ha! Here I was expecting an ending where you go through some type of "Karate Kid" montage and become a skating legend in your area. Let me state for the record... I loved the skating rink. For a number of years it was my mecca on the weekends. I lived in a small neighborhood of houses along a hillside in the middle of nowhere. I still live in the middle of nowhere, but hey... I like nowhere. At the bottom of that hill, really looking out of place along a state road, was the Skate-A-Way. I walked down my hill to that place nearly every Friday or Saturday night (sometimes both) with my metal case containing my skates. I have years worth of memories made there. Birthday parties, couple skating with the girl behind the food counter, my sister breaking her arm, competing in ruthless competitions... particularly the limbo, munching on mediocre hot dogs, and trying desperately to earn the high score in Galaga for the night. I loved that place. Now... it has been converted to office space for a construction company. Sad. Skating Through The YearsDec 06, 2021View
2405ArticleVaporman87Ha! Awesome to see the brother putting in his two cents on the matter. Welcome Ben's brother! Now if I could just get my own brother to start posting stuff.How to ruin a friendship without really tryingJul 16, 2015View
222ArticleAceNThaHoleHa! Awesome list of unheard of games Its hilarious how those soccer players are almost identical to the characters in some of their other gamesObscure Gaming Legacy Volume 2Jan 28, 2013View
1220ArticleVaporman87Ha! A few good zingers in there! Thankfully for me, I was neither confused or impressed by Hanson. I knew they were males, and I knew I hated their music. Yes, the song was catchy. But terrible songs can be catchy... Banana Phone??? Again, thankfully, these lads have grown up, and perhaps if they do start making music again, their music will have grown up also. Time will tell. Hanson MMMBopped Their Way Into Our Lustful HeartsSep 10, 2014View