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Displaying 4331-4340 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3012ArticleIlectraThe pop that looked like a toe, though I think was a thumb was a childhood staple for me that id completely forgotten about. Thanks for the memory boost. as a kid it never bothered me how much that thing looked like a toe. Oct 23, 2015View
5021ArticlejkatzThe poster for John Henry almost looks like it could be a Dreamworks movie.Rabbit Ears Productions: A RetrospectiveAug 18, 2019View
1234VideoMr MagicThe previews were actually every bit as entertaining as the movie itself.Opening to Toy StorySep 11, 2014View
1106ArticleVaporman87The Reading Rainbow Kickstarter campaign (for a web series of the show - is going nuts. Well over $2 million dollars now, with 30 days to go. That's over $1 million OVER the goal, with oodles of time remaining. Cool.90's Vs: Wishbone vs Reading RainbowMay 30, 2014View
4767ArticleMr MagicThe real Tex Avery is probably rolling around in his grave.Saturday Morning BoresJan 05, 2019View
3374ArticlepikachuloverThe relatives who did that to me were sneaky, and did when my parents weren't looking. Once my parents had found out I had already given it away. I did complain about it to my mom though. The PurseFeb 19, 2016View
382VideoMr MagicThe Riddler is about two grapes short of a fruit salad.Batman (1966): Hi Diddle RiddleFeb 19, 2013View
2282Articlecomic_book_fanthe road warriors are fore another list that will come later. My Top 5 Fave Wrestlers of the 90'sMay 22, 2015View
942ArticleFulton4VThe scene where the different bands play was my always my favorite of the Nerds movie. Its still one of my favorite movies of the 80s and it had some good songs.Hear ye, Hear ye!Jan 07, 2014View
1851ArticlepikachuloverThe school dealt with a few more shady people including the people who sold class rings and graduation supplies. I didn't really want to be a model anyway I was just curious. Model StudentJan 29, 2015View