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Displaying 961-970 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2704ArticleVaporman87The laser pointers and fanny packs are easily the worst offenders of this list, with special recognition as a REAL problem going to laser pointers. I'm so glad that, although they are still around, nobody seems interested in annoying others with them any more. On the subject of skating, I too made attempts at rollerblading, but since the home I lived at during the time had very little concrete to use, I resorted to using my blades for miniature hockey matches with my brother, some sticks, a puck, and a goal. I didn't enjoy it nearly like I did the skating rink. But then again I think much of that has to do with the sense of community at the skating rink. I recently caught a glimpse at what will surely be the next wave of skating-related hooplah: <img src="/images/postImages/1442943899Strap On Skates.png"> Cruisers, by the Cardiff Skate Company. I saw these on an end cap of the toy and sport section at Target. Will they be the next big thing? Sep 22, 2015View
1409ArticleBenjanimethe knott's halloween haunt must've been a real treat to go to :) unfortunately there's not a lot of halloween events here in virginia since the busch gardens theme park down in williamsburg has a bevy of halloween things going on during the month of october. great article!Haunting MemoriesOct 09, 2014View
2325VideoVaporman87The kids really got a kick out of watching this to it's completion last night. LOL.Toy Story longplayJun 24, 2015View
2469ArticlemassrealityThe Karate Kid and JCVD inspired me at a very young age to take up martial arts. I started in Tae Kwon Do and really loved it. My mom decided to start taking alongside me since she had to sit through the classes anyway. It sort of became an obsession for her, and we started going every single night until I finally just refused to go anymore. She ended up getting a job with the school and fifteen years later, she opened up her own school that she still operates to this day. As an adult, I took Krav Maga for a couple years, but after a few injuries I decided it truly wasn't worth it. It's a lot cheaper and easier to go take a conceal carry class and buy a cheap handgun. :)The Karate Class KidAug 06, 2015View
4066ArticleNLoganThe kanji on the white dragon bandana says Ninja or at least part of it.Revenge of the Imaginary Ninjas!Aug 24, 2017View
54VideoMr MagicThe jingle definitely sounds familiar. Big Red commercialDec 13, 2012View
3211ArticleNLoganThe important thing Tony, is that you made the effort and didn't deprive your children visiting their grandmother. Your wife is worth way more than her weight in gold and she was right (they usually are, don't tell mine I said that). My parents and my wife's parents are divorced. There have been plenty of awkward get togethers. But if they wanted to see the grandchildren they had to at least be civil to make it work being in the same room together. My mom and dad are now good friends, but it wasn't always so. My wife's parents have a ways to go but at least are no longer being juvenile and petty. It is hard when people feel deprived of their most precious things in the world their own children, whether in decision making or just quality time. That is the magic of Christmas however, the season brings people closer together.Bah Humbug!Dec 13, 2015View
4130ArticleHoju KoolanderThe imagination of a child is amazing. I really want to see that Brownie soap opera story play out with R2 getting dumped for King Kong, then getting hitched with Godzilla. Copyrights? Bah! We want entertainment!The Adventures of Junior, the World's Greatest Cat DetectiveSep 14, 2017View
5612ArticleMr MagicThe idea of not having Shredder was odd. I do remember liking the movie regardless, though.TMNT III: A Farce of a FinaleMar 21, 2022View
4854Articleechidna64The I remember the I Choo Choo Choose You card from the Simpsons when Lisa gives it to Ralphie lolA Nineties Valentine's DayFeb 18, 2019View