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Displaying 901-910 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1827ArticleVaporman87The Toonami intro in which Tom speaks always caught my attention. Then, later on, I came to recognize the voice actor as that of Wolverine in many X-Men cartoons. In fact, I think he still does a lot of Wolverine voice work. Jan 24, 2015View
3143VideoMr MagicThe times I spent Super Mario World...Super Nintendo CommercialDec 03, 2015View
2352ArticleVaporman87The thing is, I watched all those movies in my youth and, aside from anticipating a level of fear, I was never really disturbed by much of it. Fast forward to today, and I see some of what is placed on screen for consumption by today's youth... the "Saw" movies and its ilk... and I am extremely disturbed by what I see. It's too realistic and morbid. I never watched a Friday The 13th film and thought "Woah, that makes me feel sick to my stomach" . Because it was so cheesy. Bright red blood, practical effects that didn't really give a sense of complete realism. Retro-graphic Evidence: Horror in the 80sJul 06, 2015View
1233ArticleVaporman87The thing about those old masks was that they were sooo uncomfortable, and you were dripping sweat inside them. It was like a sauna for your face shaped like Yoda.Halloween Hallelujah!Sep 11, 2014View
3458ArticlepikachuloverThe thing about the Flair vs HBK match was that they made it work because they are both good story tellers in the ring.My Favorite WrestleMania Matches of All TimeMar 16, 2016View
2996VideoVaporman87The term "word up" seemed so stupid to me then. Now, it really is stupid! LOLMcDonald's McLean Deluxe Ad 3Oct 23, 2015View
2190ArticleAnEarly90sManThe Technodrome wasn't out in 1988. Turtle-Mania didn't sweep the nation until April of 1990.Turtles: The Teenage Mutant KindApr 02, 2015View
2581vhsCoverTheboogiemanThe Tall Man returns in this follow up to the classic Phantasm.Not a bad sequel I am always down for some Tall Man meyham!!!Phantasm IIAug 29, 2015View
1217ArticleFulton4VThe Super powers toys were some of my favorites. I had many of those. I had Batman, Superman, Mation Manhunter, and some others. I also had some Muscle figures too. Not very many though. My younger brother had more than I did of those. And I think he still has some of those. Ill have to ask him about that.The Mini & The MightySep 09, 2014View
2036ArticlepikachuloverThe strange thing is that I never had a problem with my Power Ranger figures breaking. Toy AnnihilationFeb 22, 2015View