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Displaying 851-860 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
922ArticleSegaFanaticThanks for reading, Vaporman! It means a lot! And thecrow, yeah. I loved the Family Matters Christmas specials. I probably should've gotten a picture from those, but oh well. Dec 18, 2013View
923ArticleSegaFanaticI already lost the contest. Man, you are amazing at writing articles. Great work.A Yuletide Yakking Dec 19, 2013View
924ArticleSegaFanaticGreat work with all of the photoshopped images, writing, everything. It's so good.A Yuletide Yakking Dec 19, 2013View
925ArticleFulton4VI missed the thanksgiving parade this year. Was there a Garfield ballon in it this year again? That was one of my favorite balloon characters every year. I like this article segafan.A White ChristmasDec 19, 2013View
926ArticleFulton4VI was always afraid of santa because he would not bring me the presents I asked for if I was not good that year. It made me nervous to talk to him when we saw him. Ha!The Many Forms of SantaDec 19, 2013View
927ArticleVaporman87Congratulations on this contest winner TDITH! It was a splendid article.ThatDude's Christmas MemoriesDec 21, 2013View
928ArticleVaporman87A great deal of my stuffed animals had special meaning to me growing up. They came into my possession by various means, but I don't recall any of them coming from a fast food joint. I had stuffed animals from small shops to large box stores, but the ones I cared about the most had no brand or property affiliation. They were just "animals". Cats, dogs, bunnies, mice... just animals. It was the personality I gave them that made them extra special. None more so than "Meowwy Wowwy". A cat nearly as old as me, who still gets played with today (thanks to my children's interest in him - as played through me). He's pretty unique, as I have only ever found one other of his kind, but it was white instead of grey. Have a Plush Christmas!Dec 23, 2013View
929ArticleVaporman87On the topic of writing in books, I still have a few from my past that are bursting at the seems with my textual riffing of the action taking place in the pages. Everything from Winnie The Pooh to He-Man received my written scorn. I can recall re-reading the books once I had "revised" them, and cracking myself up until tears poured down my face. LOL. I was my own biggest fan with stuff like that. Thanks for this Miss M. I will have to dig out those old story books and just read them again.Christmas Retro ReadsDec 23, 2013View
930VideoVaporman87One of the best Bond themes ever composed, in my opinion.A-Ha-The Living DaylightsDec 26, 2013View
931Articleechidna64Thanks vkimo for this stocking full of treats! Each year you set the new standard for article writing!A Yuletide Yakking Dec 30, 2013View