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Displaying 761-770 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2684VideoVaporman87Hmmm. Yeah, you're right. People had likely forgotten about that happy go lucky persona... seeing him instead as a scruffy pervert. So the serious tone makes more sense knowing that. Sep 21, 2015View
2686ArticleVaporman87You left me hanging! LOL. What went terribly, terribly wrong the final time? Ahhh, to be innocent and naive once more. Believing that everything is as simple as it appears to be. Hulk never mentioned the amount of time and effort required. Nor the fact that the "equipment" provided was far from adequate. So obviously the problem was something with YOU! LOL. Which leaves mom and dad to be the bad guys and explain reality. So not only did they buy the product with hard earned money, they then had to break the news that it was bogus. What a deal!Hulkamaniacs Sep 21, 2015View
2688ArticleVaporman87What on earth were you doing lifting weights near a flight of stairs? Talk about inviting danger.Hulkamaniacs Sep 21, 2015View
2700VideoVaporman87I'm sure that's correct. But what I mean is the whole idea of creating a meal just for kids and including a prize with it was the brainchild of Burger Chef first.McDonald's Commercial Introducing the Happy MealSep 22, 2015View
2703ArticleVaporman87It's brave of you to admit to liking the songs for these terrible, terrible shows. LOL. I'm sure there are several shows that I enjoyed the theme song for but didn't actually care to watch the show, but I don't know of any that I actually despised the show (as I do 90210) and yet still enjoyed the theme song. Something about my hatred of a show blinds me to any redeeming qualities of said show. TV Theme Songs I Loved, But Never Cared For The ShowSep 22, 2015View
2704ArticleVaporman87The laser pointers and fanny packs are easily the worst offenders of this list, with special recognition as a REAL problem going to laser pointers. I'm so glad that, although they are still around, nobody seems interested in annoying others with them any more. On the subject of skating, I too made attempts at rollerblading, but since the home I lived at during the time had very little concrete to use, I resorted to using my blades for miniature hockey matches with my brother, some sticks, a puck, and a goal. I didn't enjoy it nearly like I did the skating rink. But then again I think much of that has to do with the sense of community at the skating rink. I recently caught a glimpse at what will surely be the next wave of skating-related hooplah: <img src="/images/postImages/1442943899Strap On Skates.png"> Cruisers, by the Cardiff Skate Company. I saw these on an end cap of the toy and sport section at Target. Will they be the next big thing?5 Fads of the 90'sSep 22, 2015View
2706ArticleVaporman87Whatever the cause for creating it, I have a feeling it will strike a cord with others who are "in the closet" on their appreciation for intro music of shows they dislike. :)TV Theme Songs I Loved, But Never Cared For The ShowSep 22, 2015View
2711ArticleVaporman87That's a great story. It's always nice to hear of places opening up that try very hard to recapture the magic of a golden era. I wish them all the success in the world. In a place like Jacksonville there should be no shortage of customers, but around these parts such a place would probably have difficulty surviving. Rescued By A Fistful of QuartersSep 24, 2015View
2713ArticleVaporman87Very nice. I totally empathize with you regarding your thoughts and feelings of the season. It comes and goes way too quickly, and our door to simpler, carefree times closes long before we're ready. I typically feel this same way about Fair Week. Much like Halloween (even more so in my case), it is a week long trip back in time. I walk the grounds constantly recalling my feelings and memories of my childhood... my dread of the coming school year, balanced with a bit of excitement that I'll get to hang with my friends again. The search for that girl I had a crush on - hoping to catch a glimpse of her in a less controlled environment like school. The fun of riding the rides and the camaraderie of daring to experience them together with your buddy. All of that comes flooding back to me when Fair Week comes. Halloween gives me similar feelings, though the actual event provides me far fewer days of memories, since it is one night of the year. But leading up to the event, there is still plenty to recall and revel in. So breathe it all in. Stop and just reminisce any chance you get. I know you will. Forever Living in HalloweenSep 24, 2015View
2720ArticleVaporman87The most memorable homemade costume I came up with on my own was a basic monster costume, with a plaid shirt and jeans, some gloves that looked like monster hands, and the real star of the getup... a pricey monster mask with light up eyes! I had purchased the mask some weeks earlier for a very pretty penny, and I was very excited to wow the neighborhood with it. The only problem... it was EXTREMELY difficult to see anything. The light up eyes had slits below them for my REAL eyes. This didn't offer a very good view of things, especially with darkness setting in. So in between houses I would have to raise up my mask so I could see where I was going. Other than that issue, the costume was a real success. I wish I would have kept that mask. It was such a great one for the time.Making My Own Halloween CostumeSep 29, 2015View