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Displaying 731-740 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1438Articleretro90sboyyea me too Oct 15, 2014View
1439Articleretro90sboyi used to spend my rainy dayys just watchin cartoonsRemembering Rainy DaysOct 15, 2014View
4789ArticleRavenloftFew took ninja mania as far as my twin brother and I. Shadow Warrior Ninja Brothers! I am still Storm Shadow to his Snake Eyes. He has betrayed our ninja secrets in his article to you. You have been marked for death. Always the athletic and agile kids we would scale telepole poles, run on wooden fences, climb up on roofs of multiple story buildings, leap treacherous gaps, climb over razor and barbed wire and other dangerous stunts that as an adult can only make me cringe at the possible injuries we could have had. Astonishing to think I never broke any bones (ahem, that were mine anyway.) The old style metal, concrete and wooden playgrounds were our ninja training camps like in the ninja movies and we learned the very real consequences of any fall. Far from the so called ninja tv shows that have safety foam pits and water to break your falls that are on today. We were doing Parkour a solid decade before it had a name or a popular following. He failed to mention that we spray painted the ropes on the home-made swords so they would be stiff and not come unraveled ever. I have never seen ninja children running around with real weapons the way we did as kids, maybe there were some and they had good training to remain unseen the way we did or maybe we were the last or only ninjas- a recurring ninja theme that is highly inaccurate; as the Hollywood pop culture version of the ninja is still going strong despite all of the imaginary and historically inaccurate elements. Ninja are so ubiquitous that they have become an archtype for play or Halloween costumes joining such other archtypes as the astronaut, cowboy, soldier, knight, superhero or finally the ninja.Revenge of the Imaginary Ninjas!Jan 13, 2019View
4794ArticleRavenloftMy brother forgot to mention what we did while we were grieviously injured from the car tow dumb idea: sprained ankle for my brother, broken collarbone for my friend, and complete coverage severely bleeding road rash on my back, we sat on the floor to avoid blood on the couch and played nintendo while waiting for his mom to get home to take us to the hospital. Our mom didn't get off work for several more hours. We didn't call anybody, first of all cell phones were unknown to us then in those days and car phones were only for rich people and calling your parents at work was never done by kids voluntarily anyways unless mandatory such as when you got home from school. We could have knocked on a neighbors door to find a responsible adult or even called 911, but nope it never even entered our minds to seek help. We just play NES and waited while I ruined a blood soaked towel from my friends closet and we silently (except for the occasional groan or sniffle) played video games.Skate or Die GenerationJan 14, 2019View
4798ArticleRavenloftBack in those days we never wore helmets for skating or bikes except the one time we tried BMX. Helmets weren't a thing and nobody's parents freaked out about it. That said, one of our elementary friends died in a header on his bike. Funny how when we were gearing up our little brother elbow/knee pads and helmet were the first things we bought. We also found a natural jump made of two upturned concrete sidewalk slabs that made a perfect steep upside down V. We foot stomped for all we were worth trying to gain speed to launch, eventually we took turns with a bike rope tow to get truly impressive (for kids) distance. Also a sidewalk in our apartment complex went down a hill to a 2 1/2 foot drop off into the parking lot and it was the defacto launch for the entire neighborhood. We called it the doom drop. I think it was a handicap accessible thing because the sidewalk lead straight to an wheelchair apartment. No one launched a skateboard off that thing and survived a landing although we tried for years, but with bikes and scooters we could do it. The scooters with the mini bike tires not the lame scooters with the rollerblade wheels-those things would highcenter as soon as the front wheel went off the doom drop causing the kid to attempt a full front flip or die.Skate or Die GenerationJan 14, 2019View
1354Articlejkatz@Hoju Koolander I don't think the wraparound style was exclusively Greek. I can't think of any examples atm but I'm positive it's been done in the states too. Also, didn't know swearing was discouraged here. I'll try to tone it down next time.The Lost Art of VHS BoxesOct 01, 2014View
1451Articlejkatzpl, I don't know about anybody else, but I love costumes you throw together from whatever you have lying around the house. It's fun and you can get really creative and elaborate with it. I remember how one year I was pressed for time I so threw on a beret, tied a scarf around my neck, smeared my face with some makeup and went as "the snooty frenchman". Maybe that's a bad example but you get the idea.Costume RedemptionOct 18, 2014View
1467ArticlejkatzI love Dead Alive! Great picks, Benjanime!Benjanime's Top Ten Halloween Movie PicksOct 20, 2014View
1948ArticlejkatzDid anybody else have The Simpsons Rainy Day Fun Book? Basically a giant activity book with card tricks, pranks, stuff you could cut out, and many more. I always thought it was bizarre because I never really considered The Simpsons to be a kid's cartoon per se.Simpsons Illustrated and 90's Magazine AdsFeb 10, 2015View
1963ArticlejkatzI've never been to retro junk so this article is pretty much useless to me as far as nostalgia goes. But that Rocky 4 poster is amazing! I approved this piece just for that.Remembering RetroJunkFeb 11, 2015View