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Displaying 691-700 of 5269 results.
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5187ArticleVaporman87Ahhh man. What a great read. I've watched M*A*S*H in bits in pieces... mostly during my youth. I just never could get into it, but that was likely a result of my young mind too obsessed with Masters of the Universe and Atari to watch a war dramedy. But there is no denying its importance in the annals of television. Such a huge phenomenon that will likely never be surpassed.  Apr 24, 2020View
5353ArticleBaby Jessica KaczynskiAhhh, RJ. I remember you well. Great article, akimbo. Remembering RetroJunkDec 16, 2020View
2991ArticleVaporman87Ahhh! Great read. I see so many things here that I either had or wanted, and a few things that I had and didn't remember until just now that I did! Like some of those Rock Lords and that space shuttle/pterodactyl Transformer. Ahhh, sooo much great stuff in here. I circled EVERYTHING!!! The OTHER Good Thing About OctoberOct 23, 2015View
2023ArticleVaporman87Ahhh. Golan and Globus. Favorite targets of MST3K. Great article jkatz. The story of Golan and Globus is SO much like that of John DeLorean that you might think they were related somehow. Big dreams, taking it all the way to the big time, then dying off before the dreams were fully realized. They had some good films, Cobra and MOTU being two of them (even though MOTU could have been SO much better with a bigger budget). But man, they really loved pumping out crap. Crap that we love today for taking itself so seriously, but just plain crap back then. Sell the renter on the VHS cover (<a href="">as you've mentioned before</a>) and then hope you make the budget back without too much word of mouth crashing your chances. Without the internet, discussing some crappy movie you watched was far less likely to happen. My favorite MST3K Golan and Globus disaster? Alien in LA with Kathy Ireland. LOLAn Ode to Cannon FilmsFeb 18, 2015View
1834ArticleVaporman87Ahhh. Here is a subject I can dig into pretty deeply. Sure I had several plushes churned out to peddle the latest TV, film, or other property... but it was the stuffed toys with no affiliation to these things that I always felt drawn to. Unlike my He-Man, G.I. Joe, Thundercats, and Transformers toys, I preferred to inject into my stuffed toys the personalities, eccentricities, and character I wanted them to have, or felt like they would have if they were actually "alive". During my preteen years, I would stay up a little later (on almost a nightly basis) and use my smaller stuffed toys to perform a show, right on my lap as I laid down in bed. The covers draping over my legs and knees served as the stage backdrop... for the "Meowwy Wowwy Show". Yes, I'm treading territory that I've already covered in the forum more than once, but this article screams for it to be retold. Characters like Meowwy himself, his brother Smarts, Penguin Halfheart, Buford the Rabbit, and many more would perform for me until I was too tired to let it continue. These stuffed wonders were nothing more than fairly generic, unknown toys. But once brought to life with my imagination, they were far more popular than any Scooby-Doo or Snoopy toy could ever be. The best thing about all of this, is that the "Meowwy Wowwy Show" is now a big part of the play time I enjoy with my own kids. Sure, Meowwy now has a real stage (puppet sized, mind you) and a bigger audience, but the character I brought to life more than 30 years ago is the same today. And so is the toy, actually. My "Meowwy Wowwy" stuffed cat is 34 years old this year. Penguin Halfheart is pretty much the same. 34 years and Meowwy has never once needed to be sewn. Yeah, his felt ears are starting to deteriorate and disappear, but beyond that he is pretty much the same as he was all those years ago. Those who haven't yet seen the photos of Meowwy's new digs and of Meowwy himself can see that in <a href="">this thread.</a>Stuffed Animals of the 80'sJan 26, 2015View
5663ArticleVaporman87Ahhh. Very nice. I feel you. I feel you. Yeah, it's become quite hot and stuffy in these dog days of Summer. Vacation has passed, and now it's just a countdown to our annual Fair. After that, the pivot to Halloween is instantaneous. Doesn't matter what the calendar says... as far as I'm concerned, Halloween season is here. I definitely had many a beautiful summer day that felt wasted, alone. You tend to forget all those days, your memory favoring the good times. And living where I did, I could not just escape to town for some much needed distraction. I was stuck where I was. That probably helped nurture my imagination. Having to come up with my own fun... somehow. The CureJul 25, 2022View
2562ArticleVaporman87Ahhh. What a nice little memory to share. I could almost see myself there among you, trying to stay out of site. That is what was so nice about growing up in a small neighborhood... with houses all crammed together in close proximity. You knew everyone, and everyone knew you. You knew what to look out for... what to be suspicious of. We weren't as apt to go frolicking around in everyone's yards (except those that we frequented by invite), but it was normal for kids to be up and down the road on every manner of transit (bike, wagon, minibike, dirt bike, etc.). This reminds me a lot of times spent in that neighborhood where I grew up. I have a lot of ties here in R-town, but I didn't spend my formative years here. To visit that little addition is like stepping on holy ground. I don't go there often, because now I would only be a stranger entering somebody else's world. But to do so floods me with memories that are precious. Goodnight, SummerAug 25, 2015View
4652ArticleVaporman87Ahhh... This really does a great job of setting the mood for the month. Thanks for bringing this classic back from the RJ graveyard and giving it new life here.RetroJunk Classic: The 90s Holiday Trilogy: ThanksgivingNov 01, 2018View
3850ArticleVaporman87Ahhh... nevermind. <a href="">I found the answer</a>. I seems, at least in Captain America's shield's case, it wins out. Wolverine a Reader's Perspective Part 11Apr 23, 2017View
2785ArticleVaporman87Ahhh... no need. I just stick a little notation in there with a warning, and it's all good.The Unsung Heroes of HalloweenOct 06, 2015View