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Displaying 661-670 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3778ArticleRick Ace RhodesCool article fuschnikt. Personally I go for a little bit of both in my collection of old toys: toys that I owned and toys that I wanted but never had. It's nice to see that you have a nostalgic story for everything you own. Mar 03, 2017View
3816ArticleRick Ace RhodesCool article Hoju. I was a huge Power Rangers junkie back in the day. I was more into the later Saban seasons though. I would say my craze was more from In Space to Time Force. After Time Force and the series now being controlled by Disney, it just didn't feel the same. After that the only series I really got into was SPD. And you wanna talk about price gouging? Try getting older Power Rangers toy now and days. Just getting a brand new in box regular figure will set you back an $50. The Megazords are even worse, with new in box versions going for hundreds of dollars.RJ Classics: Power Rangers MemoriesApr 03, 2017View
3828ArticleRick Ace Rhodes@Hoju Which was probably on the producers minds, given that the very next season (Lost Galaxy) was another space season despite it's Sentai counterpart being more based around "nature" and "Earth".RJ Classics: Power Rangers MemoriesApr 06, 2017View
3957ArticleRick Ace RhodesWhile I can't relate fully, there was a brief period in my life where I went through this. My parents split up for a period of time back when I was in third grade. They eventually got back together, but it was a weird period none the less. I remember sitting in bed one night, a night that my father returned home after I went to bed. I was pretending to sleep while listening to my parents in the living room have an extremely emotional discussion. I just spent the entire night that night thinking about what the future held for my family and how the life I had up until that moment was likely over. Soon after that is when I started having days out with my dad on the weekend. From the morning to night he would take me out to eat, see a movie, go shopping and just do other activities that he knew I would enjoy. While I enjoyed every day I had with him, deep down on the inside I was upset knowing that this was likely going to be the new normal for me. I guess I’m a lucky kid in this type of situation, my parents got back together eventually. Eventually the entire incident became a thing of the past and was completely forgotten by everyone.Divorced Dad MemoriesJun 21, 2017View
4046ArticleRick Ace Rhodes@Superman Same here. I didn't know about his crimes until sometime in June when I saw a joke on the sub-reddit for Survivor that was about it. It was shocking to hear about, but at the end he's gotten what he deserved. His crimes are simply unforgivable.Washed Up Celebrities: Michael SkupinAug 08, 2017View
4112ArticleRick Ace RhodesI was in school when it happened. First grade at the time. Barely even into the school year at that point. We had art class that morning. I don't know if we were forced to leave art class early or if we just left at the standard time, but it was after art class that everything went wrong. As we were walking back to class, the vice principal was walking down the hall and told us "Code Red". Our teacher informed us that this wasn't a drill and that it was serious. As we were walking by the door that was the entrance to the school, I saw my mother among a swarm of parents signing out their kids to bring them home early. After sitting in the classroom for a few minutes, I was pulled out by mother and taken home. After being home for a few minutes, my father arrived home cursing and shouting at the TV. I don't really remember the rest of the day. The weeks that followed I do remember. It was a pretty emotional time, especially for my town. I came from a town that had a lot of first responders to the attack. To add to the sad climate, a girl who was in my class lost her father in the attacks. Everyday we wore flag pins to school to show our support. Even as a young kid it was impossible to be shielded from what happened. In some way I guess I'm glad that I and my fellow classmates were so young at the time. We didn't have to experience the horror like many others here on Retro Daze had to as young adults or even teenagers in High School. Where Were You That September Day?Sep 11, 2017View
4120ArticleRick Ace Rhodes@blueluigi Other countries have hated us long before George W. Bush took office. The September 11th attacks were being planned as early the 1980's.Where Were You That September Day?Sep 12, 2017View
4178ArticleRick Ace RhodesCool article Hoju. I have a whole list of figures on my reclamation list. I used to have a whole bunch of Power Rangers figures that I would love to get back someday. Most of my childhood toy collection was lost in what I refer to as "The Great Toy Purge of 2004", when my family was making a move and my mom decided to clean house on all the toys I had.Action Figure Reclamation Project Phase 1Oct 19, 2017View
4336ArticleRick Ace RhodesI'm with you. I hated those school pizza lunches. It was terrible tasting in my humble opinion.Tales of a Picky EaterMar 27, 2018View
4386ArticleRick Ace RhodesThis is everything I ever expected.My 90s BedroomMay 10, 2018View