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Displaying 5261-5263 of 5263 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3098ArticlejkatzYup, Swiss Family Robinson and 20,000 Leagues are great examples of light hearted adventure...they don't make movies like that anymore.  Nov 10, 2015View
613ArticleVaporman87Yup. I've seen it a few times. I never thought it was as bad as people made it out to be, but it certainly left a lot to be desired. And the "re-imagining" of the characters left a bitter taste in my mouth. After having read some interviews with the director, I felt less critical of the movie. He had so little to work with, and made the best product he could given the circumstances, budget, and studio red tape.New Eyes on He-Man and She-RaMay 06, 2013View
5492ArticleMr MagicZoot Cat was a good one. Funny and jazzy. The Christmas one was also funny and charming.My 10 favorite Tom and Jerry shortsSep 09, 2021View