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Displaying 5191-5200 of 5258 results.
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945ArticleVaporman87LOL. I love this line: Why this look just screams, “I fight people at five in the morning at the local bar in town.” Also, I am so glad to hear that full length capes will be in this year, because I was really worried that my doing so this past week was scaring some of my fellow workers. It's good to know I'm just "ahead of the curve", and not "insane" or "losing it". Am I?  Jan 12, 2014View
948ArticleMissMLOL! There is nothing insane about wearing a cape. lol I loved that. I hope that you are doing well. : )Toy Talk with Miss M: Fashion Preview!Jan 22, 2014View
942ArticleFulton4VThe scene where the different bands play was my always my favorite of the Nerds movie. Its still one of my favorite movies of the 80s and it had some good songs.Hear ye, Hear ye!Jan 07, 2014View
943ArticleVaporman87Agreed Fulton. That was a classic scene. Regarding movie soundtracks, I rarely purchased one in my early teens. I did eventually buy the TMNT movie soundtrack (which I believe was the first soundtrack I ever purchased) and thoroughly enjoyed it. But I was 16 when that movie came out, so I was late coming to the "soundtrack" scene. After that purchase, I think movie soundtracks were the bulk of what I purchased as far as music is concerned. I liked that I could get a good mix of different styles of music, from various artists, all on one tape (or CD). Hear ye, Hear ye!Jan 08, 2014View
944ArticleMissMFulton, one of the things I had hoped for on this soundtrack (and your comment reminded me that I totally missed mentioning it) was that I had hoped that the scene with the different bands playing in the talent show would have been featured on the soundtrack. The opening music from the talent show is on the soundtrack, but it is an entirely different song, (They're So Incredible by Revenge.) When I first heard it I was like, "Yes! They included that whole bit." But no. lol It was a different song. Vaporman- I think my first soundtrack was the Madonna I'm Breathless Dick Tracy soundtrack, which, I don't know if that totally counts. I liked collecting soundtracks as a teen. I didn't do it a whole lot when I was younger, like in middle school I'd just get blank tapes and record songs off the radio. It wasn't until around being a teen that I really got into collecting soundtracks and things like that. And by collecting, it was mostly just soundtracks to movies I really liked. lol And I agree, sometimes the best music has come from a soundtrack due to the nice mix of various artists. Hear ye, Hear ye!Jan 11, 2014View
5010ArticleBenjanimemy older sister only ever bought the plush pound puppies, had no idea there were mini plastic pound puppies figures.Top 10 Retro Toys of 2013!Aug 16, 2019View
26VideoVaporman87My Brother and I loved COPS for short time. We ended up bored with it before we ever really had any of the toys. COPS IntroDec 10, 2012View
928ArticleVaporman87A great deal of my stuffed animals had special meaning to me growing up. They came into my possession by various means, but I don't recall any of them coming from a fast food joint. I had stuffed animals from small shops to large box stores, but the ones I cared about the most had no brand or property affiliation. They were just "animals". Cats, dogs, bunnies, mice... just animals. It was the personality I gave them that made them extra special. None more so than "Meowwy Wowwy". A cat nearly as old as me, who still gets played with today (thanks to my children's interest in him - as played through me). He's pretty unique, as I have only ever found one other of his kind, but it was white instead of grey. Have a Plush Christmas!Dec 23, 2013View
938ArticleMissMOh wow, Vaporman, I really enjoyed this comment. I love that you shared about your plush cat Meowwy Wowwy and that your children can carry on the fun of playing with him. That is so cool. As much as I loved the licensed stuffed animals of my youth, I do agree with you, there is something to be said for the plush animals that didn't come from a license. There was something exciting about naming and creating a story for something that was essentially a blank canvas of fun. Thanks for sharing that, and I hope you have been doing well!Have a Plush Christmas!Jan 05, 2014View
941Articlearizvega:) Have a Plush Christmas!Jan 07, 2014View