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Displaying 5151-5160 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4972ArticleVaporman87I'm glad to learn you're getting some good mileage out of that RetroN 5 you saved up so long for. You earned it sir! Jul 19, 2019View
4973ArticleVaporman87Man... that anniversary flew right under the radar didn't it. At least it gave you the opportunity to dig into the finer points of a piece of it's library. Well done.The Bizarre World of Super Mario LandJul 19, 2019View
4986ArticleVaporman87I've often wondered, why hasn't there ever been a Ghostbusters II car litter bag. Turns out... there was! Like you said, with as many ways as there were to win an Ecto-1, every other vehicle on the road should have been one. So where were they all?Weirdest Ghostbusters 2 MerchandiseJul 28, 2019View
4987ArticleVaporman87I wish I could have tried a McDLT now that I'm an adult who could appreciate such things. Maybe one day they'll bring that back. Retro Fast Food That is No More 2: I'm Lovin' It EditionJul 28, 2019View
5001ArticleVaporman87This was a great idea for an article. One thing that really gets to me is the heat generated from surfaces in the sun too long. Anything really. I've had to pour water on my lawn mower seat to cool it down before!Summer Bummers: The Worst Moments of SummerAug 15, 2019View
5002ArticleVaporman87I actually preferred the Game Gear over the Game Boy for a variety of reasons, but mostly because it seemed to have more advanced graphics.Remembering the Sega Game GearAug 15, 2019View
5003ArticleVaporman87I had never heard of Rabbit Ears before you came along. This was a very thorough and interesting breakdown of it's history though. Nicely done!Rabbit Ears Productions: A RetrospectiveAug 15, 2019View
5004ArticleVaporman87So the tune wasn't ABOUT Rosanna, but the band did title the song after her. That's a cool little tidbit I didn't know before!Rosanna Arquette connected to two 80s hit songsAug 15, 2019View
5034ArticleVaporman87Great piece Ben. I recall all the games I played most on my Genesis, mostly Altered Beast, Shinobi, Sword of Vermillion, Mutant League Football, Sonic The Hedgehog, Moonwalker, and a few others. We did get some enjoyment out of the Sega CD as well. A Sega Genesis RetrospectiveSep 07, 2019View
5042ArticleVaporman87OMG, the drawing on the packaging for that RoboCop watch is giving me flashbacks to the original Mega Man box art! Maybe they were the same artist? I do have to wonder what it must feel like to take a bath in RoboCop bubble bath. Does RoboCop take baths in his bubble bath while indulging in carrot-flavored baby food?RoboCrap: The Weirdest RoboCop MerchandiseSep 20, 2019View