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Forever Living in Halloween


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Displaying 5151-5160 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5232ArticleJulieI remember having the Game Genie just to make it possible to play the European version of Mega Man: The Wily Wars on my Sega Genesis, and also the Japanese version of Golden Ax III on my American console. Another important use for the Game Genie was the infinite life code for The Adventures of Batman & Robin, making it possible to play this game of impossible difficulty and see all levels of this Sega Technological Institute masterpiece.  Aug 05, 2020View
5237ArticleJulieMy memories of getting ready for the bus to get to school in my elementary and high school years, as well as my years of college and work, are not at all pleasant, because I used to be bullied as soon as I put my foot out of the house. Yes, bullying start (to this day) in the neighborhood, walking to the bus or coming home, on the same stretch. I think it's better not to go into details of how it happens because it's disgusting and reporting it won't help. Inside the bus, the same thing, both on the way to and from school or college or work: bullying. Arriving at school, college or work, something new: bullying. At least the school and college teachers treated me well, the only ones who did it. And that motivated me to finish my studies. At work, when I had colleagues who treated me well, I was always a very small minority. Until the day when I was returning from the college, on the bus, I was threatened with death by three or four marginal residents of my neighborhood. From that day on, my father had to take me and pick me up every day from college until I started and finished the driving school, because I was not willing to risk my life. Since then I never got on a bus in my life, nowadays I only drive by necessity. But it's okay. :)Getting up on school morningsAug 05, 2020View
5239ArticleJulieA very cute article as always, my cute boy. ;) ❤ I had my first Game Boy in 1995, with my first cartridges being Daffy Duck and Power Rangers. After a while, I got Tetris and Super Mario Land. Then I had the pink Game Boy Pocket with those pirated cartridges with several games inside. Game Boy Color I had after the year 2000, along with a pirated copy of Pokémon Yellow and Speedy Gonzales. It was then that I spent my afternoons playing Pokémon for the first time until finishing it. ❤ My first Game Boy Advance SP came with a pirated copy of the Japanese version of Street Fighter Alpha but I soon did buy him a flashcart, an amazing novelty at the time that came to save us from having few games while we wanted so many others. In 2013 I replaced my Dingoo A-320, a chinese portable emulator that didn't last more than three years due to the poor quality of everything that comes from china, I traded it for a Nintendo DS and I also did buy the DSTwo so I could have all the games that I wanted immediately and in a single cartridge. The New Nintendo 3DS XL I bought at the same time as the PlayStation Vita. Compatible with Xenoblade Chronicles and also with its Sky 3DS Plus flashcart. As with the DS, I played a lot of Mario Kart 7 and Tomodachi Life. :DThe Nintendo Handheld Experience Part 1Aug 05, 2020View
5269ArticleJulieAs we talked about before, I am and will always be against punishment. Punishment, beating, none of this educates!! On the contrary, it teaches that parents do not love their children!! There are many humanized ways to educate a child, with love as the first and fundamental rule. This is so obvious. I'm not surprised to see children becoming adults and abandoning their parents; this is justified, and it's very sad to see this vicious loop in societies around the world. Too much lack of love results in too much wrong things and it becomes a vicious loop. Children need love from their parents, and this also implies the physical presence of that love from parents to children. Risky business: Summer activitiesSep 05, 2020View
5271ArticleJulie@Benjamine, he was clearly sarcastic with you in that "question" and you didn't notice his poison in his sarcasm. That man is a monster, period! No wonder nobody likes him. My house is blessed and I will never accept that demon inside my house!!Risky business: Summer activitiesSep 06, 2020View
5286ArticleJulieI need to play thatMonster Party NES game someday. :D And I'm glad to know you have some good memories from your past Halloween days, my cute. ❤ I love you always! ❤Benjanime's Halloween RetrospectiveSep 30, 2020View
5288ArticleJulieSo cute seeing you talk about your favorite candies! ❤ And no way it need to end!! ;) ❤Benjanime's Top Ten Halloween CandiesSep 30, 2020View
5290ArticleJulieSo many unknown movies here for me! :O But they seem to be really great. ;) ❤Benjanime's Top Ten Halloween Movie PicksSep 30, 2020View
5299ArticleJulieThose nightmares go very well with this Halloween season, my sweetheart. The nightmare with the demon in the shopping mall has to do with the stepfather and something you could have seen frightening somewhere in the shopping mall. The nightmare with the characters has to do with cartoons and video games, and worrying at home. The abandoned warehouse is about worrying at home and your brother that agrees with you. The alien eggs have to do with your brother's collection and movies or cartoons. The nightmare with teeth has to do with appointments to the dentist and that stepfather, and the concern that this brings. I'm sorry for the bad experiences. You are the sweetest and most loving boy I have ever met in my life. Love you so much. ❤Nightmares from my childhoodOct 07, 2020View
5308ArticleJulieI remember seeing pictures of this game at the time of the first video game magazines. I was always amazed by what I saw in those mags, and that made me a passionate gamer to this day. I would love to play Fester's Quest, especially by your side, my sweet Benjanime. ❤Remembering Fester's QuestOct 14, 2020View