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Displaying 5111-5120 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4762ArticleVaporman87Sounds like a curious creation, but my interest is piqued. I may try to check this out some time. Dec 26, 2018View
4771ArticleVaporman87A truly incredible feat of design. You should hosting a show on HGTV. Then maybe I would actually have a reason to watch that channel. lolMy Super Mario Bros BathroomJan 05, 2019View
4770ArticleVaporman87I didn’t tune in often enough to notice the difference in quality in later seasons of Ghostbusters, but the difference between Sonic Underground and it’s predecessor are as stark as can be. I much preferred the richer storylines and more serious tone. Sonic Underground was a huge step back. Sonic X was a good palette cleanser later on.Saturday Morning BoresJan 05, 2019View
4776VideoVaporman87I am just now realizing that the main girl in this ad is played by a young Mila Kunis.Telephone Tammy CommercialJan 05, 2019View
4779ArticleVaporman87I'm really enjoying this series. Once again, your honesty and openness regarding your years in school dealing with weight issues has made for a really great read. It's good that at least some aspects of your school life improved. I felt bad that your son had to basically go through a move similar to yours. Losing friends like that would have been devastating for me. I was extremely shy and quiet in school too, except to those who were friends or friendly to me. I look forward to more.Being An 80's and 90's Fat Kid Part 3Jan 08, 2019View
4781ArticleVaporman87@Ben: Well, let's see... "During the winter of that year, I started to get a bit of a reputation for being kind of morbid." I think she kind of made that pretty clear, don't you think?Being An 80's and 90's Fat Kid Part 3Jan 08, 2019View
4783ArticleVaporman87Pumps, Doritos, Dan Quayle... they all scream 1989. Well done sir. This could just have easily been fodder for Dr Timewarp. I love that you had to work in Let's Go Back somehow. LOL. Nice.Top 10 Pop Culture Touchstones of 1989Jan 08, 2019View
4790ArticleVaporman87An epic piece as usual. What an amazing look at how skateboarding was a sort of "rite of passage" for your family for decades. I wonder if your boys have any interest in it? I had a couple boards growing up. We had an extremely long concrete driveway to practice on, but the divisions in the sections of concrete made it hard to enjoy unless you had some really good speed going. I think of some of the dumb things we tried (tame in comparison to what you attempted to learn) and all can imagine now is breaking every bone in my body. LOL. Funny how our physical limitations progress and affect how we even imagine performing crazy stunts. This all puts me in mind of our local skateboarding utopia, Skatopia. I wonder what those maniacs are trying to come up with as we speak. Living only a few miles from that place is not far enough. LOLSkate or Die GenerationJan 14, 2019View
4811ArticleVaporman87I feel like I've seen or heard this somewhere else before, but it is neat how they worked the most popular arcade game of the time into the film.Pac-Man made a cameo in 1982's TronJan 25, 2019View
4814ArticleVaporman87It’s the comfort of simpler times and a relative freedom from the responsibilities and concerns of present day that constitute the “magic”, in my opinion. That and the perception in your youth that the future holds endless possibilities.RetroJunk Classic: The Magic of NostalgiaJan 28, 2019View