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Displaying 5101-5110 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5627ArticleBenjanimejust thought i'd clear something up: this was meant to celebrate the 30th anniversary of the game but since the actual anniversary month isn't until november i thought i'd go ahead and publish it now before i forget later. well anywho, enjoy! Apr 11, 2022View
5628ArticleJulieI can feel your passion for video games on this cute, well-written article. ❤ I love your charisma and cute enthusiasm, my perfect love @Benjanime. ❤❤ I had the cartridge with the first game only but I did play a bit of this one on emulators years ago and I absolutely agree with you: superior graphics with big sprites, beautiful stages and of course, an even more pleasant gaming experience. ❤ I'm glad you're a game lover (as I am). ;) The way you talk about the game makes me want to play it again. ❤ Super Mario Land 2: A Bigger SequelApr 12, 2022View
5629ArticleBenjanime@Julie i would certainly put it in my top ten game boy games, my love! definitely give it a playthrough if you can, it's fun! and thank you always for the compliments, my love! ❤Super Mario Land 2: A Bigger SequelApr 12, 2022View
5630ArticleBenjanimenot bad for a first article, i could imagine you having some friends sit down as you tell them this story in these exact words. i recall being in some stores like these in a stagecoach market area in gloucester, virginia. there was a no smoking policy but one of the employees certainly had that cigarette smell coming off of their clothes and they had some sci-fi comics on little magazine stands while having some other novelties in the corners of the store (i think they also had some model cars of nascar vehicles).I Was A Preteen Video Store Clerk for My Dad's ShopApr 20, 2022View
5631ArticleVaporman87Folks prefer some images scattered throughout the articles. But, having said that, this was an entertaining look into the "behind the counter" action in a video store. Those will be memories cherished forever, no doubt. Especially now that they've gone the way of the Dodo.I Was A Preteen Video Store Clerk for My Dad's ShopApr 22, 2022View
5632ArticlepikachuloverI wanted Floam so badly my family found some at a discount store. My parents let me have it but I had to use it on a protected surface. My parents were not usually like that. Stuff made a big mess and I was so disappointed. I hated selling a bunch of stuff and only getting an eraser or a bookmark or some cheap item. After a while I stopped selling stuff. I got sick trying to sell things nobody ?i knew wanted and getting bad prizes. Somebody did that to me too, but with a 1994 Toys R Us wishbook catalogue thing. Some guy borrowed it then claimed his little sister "ripped it up". Then he brought it to school a few days later. When I asked he acted like he had no idea what he was talking about. Top four disappointing moments of childhoodApr 27, 2022View
5633Articleechidna64I remember playing Sonic 2 for the first time with the iconic SEGA intro and the sound of rings. It really blew me away, one my favorite games of that era. Why I Love Classic SonicMay 03, 2022View
5634ArticleJulieSo much charisma to the heart! ❤ How not loving you, sweet little @Benjanime? ❤ To me, the first Sonic games until the first Sonic Adventure, I love them all equally, all fantastic games to this day, since the beautiful graphics, simple plot and awesome musics. ❤ Sonic Mania is also a masterpiece. ❤ The Traveler's Tales Sonic games wasn't that interesting to me either, and Sonic Jam had potential, just the Sega cast that didn't want that 32-bit graphical quality for Sonic. Then, Sonic Adventure came out fantastic. ❤ To me, such good games never get old, on the contrary, they entertain and enchant to this day (just like Pokémon and many other beloved franchises). ❤Why I Love Classic SonicMay 03, 2022View
5635ArticleMr MagicI was first introduced to the wonderful world of Sonic at a friend's house in 1993. He had Sonic 2 and we played it all night long while the adults were talking somewhere. Then a year later, on my birthday, my parents took a surprise present out of the closet. And what was it? A Sega Genesis system and it came with Sonic 2! You could imagine my reaction. I was like a kid at Christmastime. Since then, I played the heck outta Sonic 2 and other games as well. Good 5imes!Why I Love Classic SonicMay 03, 2022View
5636ArticleBenjanime@echidna64 aye, sonic 2 had to have been one of the best game series sequels ever, i dare say i prefer it over sonic 3! @Julie only you can have such overwhelmingly pleasant and loving compliments for me, my love ❤ and so intriguing to see your memories too! i love you! @Mr Magic i would say sonic 2 is a great introduction to the series, it improved upon so much from the first game!Why I Love Classic SonicMay 03, 2022View