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Displaying 501-510 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3269ArticleDrakkenskyI was actually surprised with how easy it was to learn, setup, and play. Jan 11, 2016View
2572ArticleLilith MourningSometimes I wish I could go back in time to relive some of those fond memories :)Roller Rinks! 80's Style!Aug 28, 2015View
2640ArticlekidcoffeeI almost forgot about Family Ties. For shame, but even still it was always about the Bradys for me. I think that may have to do more with the Bradys overly saccharine sweet approach to life whereas Family Ties was far more realistic with their approach. This made for a much better show, but my younger self desperate to escape reality would cling to the Brady Bunch for dear life. Also already being in syndication meant I could visit with the Brady kids far more often which to me was everything. Not that I didn't love my once a week visits with the Keatons, but they were so few and far between. Just when I felt myself warming up to the likes of Alex and Mallory I found myself ripped away forced once again to wait impatiently to find out what happened next.Growing Up BradySep 11, 2015View
2645ArticlekidcoffeeAt night a child's imagination can become a very dark place where even innocent muppets can become monsters hell bent on our gruesome demise...or at least this is what I keep telling myself. To this day I don't understand quite why my brain latched onto Waldorf and Statler in particular as opposed to Alf, Bert and Ernie,or any number of other much more horrifying creatures, but it did. Throw in a bit of the old ultra violence and my fate was sealed. I would say I am ashamed, but seeing as I did just out myself in an article I know that won't fly.Muppet MayhemSep 14, 2015View
2651ArticlekidcoffeeI wish I could take credit for the idea, but this was all my best friend. He was definitely the mad scientist of the two of us, but now knowing a few of his secrets I am pretty sure I can muster up a recreation. I only wish I was able to hang on to some of my old Joes, but I am pretty sure I can still pick them up cheap at Dollar General. Also now I have an excuse to pick up more candy pumpkins, as if I really needed one. Mellowcreme MadnessSep 15, 2015View
2657Articlekidcoffee@pikachulover they're the best!!! I think my mom had a similar rule, but she let it slide during the Halloween season. Either that or I just didn't listen. Looking back now I am thinking it was probably more of the latter, but I digress. Mellowcreme Pumpkins just screamed to be played with. They still do. Of course I think you're onto something with the resin...muahahaha. Oh this season will be fun indeed!!! @onipar Thank you for the kind words. How could one not get a little mischievous this time of year. The air itself calls for a bit of madness. As for turning yourself into a giant mutant candy corn I'm not sure which is crazier that or the fact I will one day soon(when funds prevail) be joining your army proudly. Mellowcreme MadnessSep 17, 2015View
2664ArticlekidcoffeeI'm still kicking myself for not including his work with Dairy Queen. I hang my head in shame. As for his original black and white show, I confess I didn't see it until I was much much older. I liked it, but I am not sure if ten year old me would have. As for the movies, they were pretty abysmal if I recall correctly, but again they came out near the tail end of my obsession so I was pretty over Dennis by that point. His cartoon was really what pushed me over the edge. Of course re-watching it now I am reminded just how terribly corny it was. At the time however I gobbled it up.Menace ManiaSep 18, 2015View
2666ArticlekidcoffeeI did. Each meticulously labeled with hand drawn covers. Sadly though when I went off to College my parents purged 99% of my collection including all of my vhs, MOTU figures, Thundercats, GI Joe, and eventually my Transformers. To say I was angry would be a vast understatement, but not much I can do about it now. I do hope someday though I may be able to find a few episodes on vhs in the wild. We'll see.Menace ManiaSep 18, 2015View
2670ArticlekidcoffeeThat's horrible, but I've been there. In college I somehow managed to get my hands on a mint on card original Lando Calrissian action figure I wound up underselling for beer money. I am still kicking myself and if time travel ever becomes a reality I am so going back to kick my own butt. Menace ManiaSep 18, 2015View
2676VideokidcoffeeOr if he is anything like me, he's still looking for his toy surprise.Warhol Eats a HamburgerSep 20, 2015View