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Displaying 501-510 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1003ArticleIllustratorErikI can't think of any Valentine's Day books I've read before, but I have a warm fuzzy side of myself that enjoys classic romantic movies like Casablanca, Roman Holiday or Patch of Blue. Then again, none of these movies have the main couple actually get together in the end, so many thats why I relate to them so much.  Feb 17, 2014View
1010ArticleMissMWell Vaporman, with one of the main characters killed off half way through, the other half really focused on the other "main" character and trying to solve the mystery of who was killing everyone. It was certainly a different kind of departure from what I had been reading at the time. And Erik, this was really the only Valentine's Day book I recall reading when I was younger. And I'm not exactly sure this would really count, aside from it taking place around Valentine's Day. lol And I know what you mean about stories where the main couple doesn't end up getting together. I relate to that and in some ways I enjoy that being an ending because there is the happiness that the two people love each other, but then there is the gut wrenching sadness that they won't be together. It makes for epic story telling. Sometimes. Other times a girl can only dream that a happily ever after is in the cards. For the Love of V-Day! Part 3Feb 18, 2014View
1001ArticleVaporman87Those are some great Valentines cards Miss M. I would have been satisfied with just about all of them (though I was never big on Tiny Toons, my brother was more into them than I). And I especially like the attention to detail put into your card box. That is one fancy piece of work. This cracked me up: "I was essentially a fart: no one wanted anything to do with me." Still chuckling over that one. I hope your V-Day has been a great one Miss M. And thank you for all four of this series of articles on the holiday of love. For the Love of V-Day! Part 4Feb 14, 2014View
1004ArticleIllustratorErikI really don't remember exchanging Valentine's card other than in Elementary School in decorated shoeboxes, and even then it was one card for everyone. I'm curious if thats changed much or at all since then. For the Love of V-Day! Part 4Feb 17, 2014View
1012ArticleMissMErik, I am not sure that schools still do that. I don't know. I have worked in schools before and I don't recall there being Valentine parties, but I also was not working in the class room, so that might be why I did not know. I still passed cards out when I was older, but not because it was a school mandated thing. I just wanted to keep that fun spirit alive. Vaproman, I so loved Tiny Toons! lol There was a lot of attention given to the card box. I have always been in awe of this thing, even to this day when I know that it would be a bit over the top. And I'm glad the fart joke cracked you up! I am always ready to try and say something funny. I hope you guys are doing well!For the Love of V-Day! Part 4Feb 18, 2014View
1013ArticleBenjanimebeing the nintendork i am, i'd totally go for the zelda ones!For the Love of V-Day! Part 4Feb 19, 2014View
91VideoVaporman87Only Rockwell feels comfortable enough to shower with strange men wandering to and fro in his home.Rockwell - Somebody's Watchin MeDec 26, 2012View
998ArticleVaporman87Great article pikachulover! I think this resonates with me because I was similarly inspired by He-Man and the MOTU. I would decorate my various school supplies with stickers, carry around the magazine for reference when drawing, and use the coloring books to trace, then copy to a new page without tracing. This is how I developed the ability to keep the drawings anatomically correct. Certain muscles overlap others, and some are larger in proportion to others... things like that. I never took an anatomy class in order to know how to properly draw the human musculature. He-Man helped make me capable of the art that I can do today. :)Some of my First Sailor Moon Merchandise (bootlegs)Feb 14, 2014View
999ArticleBenjanimei remember when the series was still dubbed by DiC that they made those silly episode edits just like 4kids, one scene in particular was when they changed a riceball to a cookie that serena was eating. i was like one of the few boys that watched it back in its 1992-1993 syndication runSome of my First Sailor Moon Merchandise (bootlegs)Feb 14, 2014View
1000ArticlepikachuloverIn my first formal art class in highschool I used to get in trouble for drawing copyrighted characters like Sailor Moon and pikachu. I like to just practice drawing cartoons and anime style. I'm not very good at realistic drawing. Actually draw sometimes to relieve stress. Some of my First Sailor Moon Merchandise (bootlegs)Feb 14, 2014View