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Displaying 491-500 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1129ArticlevkimoMy whole issue with water gun fights is that at a certain point you're soaked and the game seems to loose it's appeal quickly. Unless like us you shot at grown ups haha. Jun 11, 2014View
1130ArticleVaporman87Man. This is what I love about this site and others like it. That chance to peak into the pasts of others and experience the spirit and passion of those good times. This Suddenly Summer contest has truly brought out some of the most well written, passionate, and stirring reads yet. Benson feels like a place I could call home. With a small population (Rutland has around 400), a General Store (just as you described, the still functioning store that just scrapes by meeting the needs of the locals (and has since the 1870's), and the beauty of the water (I live just minutes from the Ohio River). Benson could be Rutland, and vice versa. Thank you so much for sharing this. Summer at the LakeJun 16, 2014View
1131ArticleVaporman87One of my favorite "steak" memories, now finally told in the elegant form of an article. Yes! I love this story, and have since you mentioned bits and pieces of it a year or more ago. Now though, I really feel like I know what you were experiencing during that trip and your first encounter with the digital world of video games. It's great to see your writing again my friend. You never disappoint!Galaga RisingJun 16, 2014View
1132ArticleVaporman87Oh yeah... and I love the drawing of the game room! ;)Galaga RisingJun 16, 2014View
1133ArticlevkimoNice read. That sounds like an ideal Summer. Would love to visit up there one time.Summer at the LakeJun 16, 2014View
1152Articleechidna64Great title and I didn't even realize it until reading the comments below that the graphics were user created, awesome job!Galaga RisingJun 16, 2014View
1153ArticlevkimoYou said it. They're not even by Larami anymore. I have one from 1990 and it still works like a charm.In The Summer TimeJun 16, 2014View
1154Articleshakin steakHow did I miss this article before. I love it. Thanks vkimo.Rad Retro Ads Jun 19, 2014View
1157Articleshakin steakThanks guys. vkimo that's pretty funny. Didn't you guys have Smokey the Bear over there?Galaga RisingJun 26, 2014View
1158ArticleVaporman87Having 3 young kids, I can tell you firsthand that these new water guns can be so overly complicated it reaches frustration levels. Not to mention it seems like the manufacturers are going more for style and aesthetics than functionality and practicality. Why would you manufacture a water gun so massive it requires two hands, only to make the water reservoir a tiny clip that holds less liquid than a Capri Sun package? I don't get it. Still, there are some newer soakers out there that are advanced AND practical AND extremely cool. But I just don't see them ever being as good as those described here. Thanks Mike!Super Soaking Your VictimsJul 01, 2014View