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Displaying 4921-4930 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5391ArticleBenjanime@Mr Magic oh nice! i have the nintendo power player's guide :) Feb 18, 2021View
5392ArticleoniparI often regret having missed out on the Pokemon craze. I don't know where I was or what I was doing, but I basically missed it all. In later years (this past decade or so) while collecting retro games, I often ended up getting Pokemon games on the Gameboy, N64, etc. Even then, though, I ended up reselling them as I didn't have inherent interest. Now I wish I had kept some for my collection. Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 18, 2021View
5393ArticleJulieWell, I generally only had pre-owned consoles and games. But what a pleasure to read another well-written article, always loaded with charisma and sweetness. You are truly unique, my love @Benjanime. ❤❤ I started playing Pokémon Crystal for the Game Boy Color after having played Pokémon Emerald for Game Boy Advance. Maybe that's why I didn't get attached to Crystal. But I found the changes pretty good and welcome, quite numerous thanks to the increase in RAM from the Game Boy Color. I still want to come back to play Crystal.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 18, 2021View
5394Articleechidna64I just did a playthrough of Pokemon Crystal and it was a lot of fun! Gen 2 is probably my favorite. Metal and Dark type are great additions. One thing that is disappointing is Kanto, almost everything is closed down or destroyed in Cinnabar Island's case lol Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 18, 2021View
5396ArticlevkimoI think Gold/Silver were the apex of Pokemon games. They took the original formula, added a few cool features and executed a wondeful game. I still remember the goofy phone calls I would make to the trainers in my contacts haha - although overall I think I enjoyed playing Sapphire Version the most. Really liked the secret hideouts.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 23, 2021View
5397ArticleMr Magic"oh nice! i have the nintendo power player's guide :)" Sweet! If it weren't for the strategy guide, I don't think I would've gotten through the tricky ice cave.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 23, 2021View
5398ArticlepikachuloverI remember I used keep breeding eevee, so I could have all the different ones. That was the first Pokemon game I beat. Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverFeb 25, 2021View
5405Articlesplatkillwill@Mr Magic I had the same guide. I lived and breathed Silver version.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverMar 16, 2021View
5406ArticleMr Magic@splatkillwill: Never would've gotten through that icy cave if it weren't for the guide.Remembering Pok'emon Gold and SilverMar 19, 2021View
5377ArticleVaporman87I can't say I ever felt anything for the girls in my elementary school, save for one who was only there for one school year. So for me, during that time, Valentine's Day was the chance for candy and doing crafts.Getting the shaft after Valentines DayFeb 04, 2021View