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Displaying 4831-4840 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3095ArticleVaporman87I've always been a Mr. T fan. He's a success story that is an inspiration to many. It'd be so cool to meet him.  Nov 09, 2015View
3096ArticleVaporman87The best of this bunch in my humble opinion, is Bedknobs and Broomsticks. That movie was repeatedly viewed by my brother and I, as we both loved the final sequence of events. The suits of armor versus the Nazis was just awesome. It has many catchy songs (Portabello Road, Beautiful Briny Sea, etc.) and the mix of animation and live action is well done.Top 10 Classic Live Action Disney MoviesNov 09, 2015View
3105ArticleVaporman87With regard to the Burger King Kids Club, there is a Burger King about 25 minutes away from me with a play zone that features several of the Kids Club gang. It is a nice reminder of what used to be. That Burger King isn't very old, so they made a choice to deck it out in properties that have been gone for a while. It's nice.What I Miss From ChildhoodNov 16, 2015View
3104ArticleVaporman87Don't feel bad. I felt the same way. When my teacher in grade school would execute a perfect letter on the chalkboard (after first using one of those chalkholders that would draw three lines together on the board, equally separated), I would just get fed up that I couldn't replicate her perfection on a piece of paper. Like you, I never used cursive for anything but signing my name, and even then it's been reduced to illegible doctor's signature style. Even so, I think it's a shame that we are slowly doing away with teaching cursive. Something about it seems culturally significant to me, though I'm not sure why.Cursive Curse Nov 16, 2015View
3121VideoVaporman87Sony Pictures Animation was in talks to create an Alf movie (much like they did with Smurfs), but there's been no news that I know of on that since 2012.Alf IntroNov 18, 2015View
3122VideoVaporman87This is a toy line that has garnered a cult following, yet I never heard of it in my youth.Food Fight CommercialNov 18, 2015View
3130ArticleVaporman87Surprisingly, we never owned a single one of these items. That's right. I was totally deprived of these. In fact, I don't even know of any friends who owned any of these items. Man, how did I even survive? LOL Nowadays you can even own a miniature "claw game" for your home. The kids get a kick out of that... until they get tired of always "winning" items that they already owned. 3 Essential 80s Home Decor ItemsNov 23, 2015View
3131ArticleVaporman87Well, I wasn't as desperate as you when it came to snack foods. We had plenty usually stashed in the pantry in the kitchen. But that doesn't mean I was not guilty of food thievery. Truth be told, I was guilty of it in an "against the law" way! See, once, while my mom and I were in a local department store (the mom and pop kind, not the big retailer kind), I took it upon myself to try my hand at theft. Yup. I snuck a candy bar into my pocket and made it out of there with it. All the way home actually. Then, when I foolishly (and perhaps, over-confidently) munched away on my spoils, my mom asked me where the candy had come from. I wasn't going to lie. I'm guessing I felt so much guilt over having just committed theft, that lying on top of that would just push me to the next logical step of joining a gang and shooting people. So I chose to fess up. I was then spanked, forced to call the sweet little old lady at the department store, and apologize to her through my tears. She graciously forgave me, and life was well again. Needless to say, I NEVER stole anything EVER again. LOL Confessions: The Snack BurglarNov 23, 2015View
3136ArticleVaporman87Such a great article, and a great subject for one. It's crazy to think that, even with the catering to smokers going on in the 80's, it's nothing compared to the way smoking was treated in the 20's, 30's, 40's, 50's, and 60's. Smoking was just cool and no big health issue then. By the 80's, we were pretty well caught up on the dangers of smoking. Yet it still held a firm grip on the market. Comparing that to today, there has been a definite progression. And thank goodness for that! No more smoke-filled restaurants and bowling alleys. No more need to ask the guy in front of you to put please put out his cig. Yes, smoking is pretty frowned upon by today's society... and I am glad of that. That isn't to say that smoking doesn't still affect us though. Especially here in hillybilly central, smoking is a big thing. I go into the gas station every morning and I am almost guaranteed to be standing behind somebody buying their daily dose of carcinogenic sticks. We may not SEE it as much, but the addictions are still ever present. Smoking In the 80'sDec 01, 2015View
3137ArticleVaporman87These are all great, classic ads (I didn't watch Kid's WB, so I can't speak for that one). I was actually surprised by the McDonald's choice though. I was expecting the one with Ronald and the kids skating on the pond. That one was always the McDonald's ad I associated with Christmas. I don't even remember the one chosen here. Even so, it was nice to see a different ad from McD's with the same basic holiday premise.TDitH's Favorite Holiday Ads and BumpersDec 01, 2015View