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Displaying 4801-4810 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2951ArticleVaporman87Both of those places look incredibly cool to visit... the barren spot simply because of it's lore and it's placement in the middle of nowhere, and the house because it just looks incredible. Perfectly preserved for decades, ripe with history just waiting to be found, photographed, and researched. What a trip this had to be. This was a fun read! Oct 15, 2015View
2952ArticleVaporman87Okay so, I'm going to be up front and confess that I am pretty sure this is the first article I have read here that brought a little moisture to my eyes. I can't imagine losing a parent at such a young age, then having to face that and the holiday that really brought you both so much joy all at once every year thereafter. That you treat it more like a celebration of those times instead of a time to mourn is honorable and amazing. I can't know what you went through, but I too lost my mother in late October (actually the day after my wedding anniversary). So celebrating our anniversary and mourning the death of my mom are almost inseparable. But in the end both days are really a celebration of love. Love gained and love lost.I was born in love with Halloween. Oct 15, 2015View
2953ArticleVaporman87Epic. lol. Just epic, this. On the down side, it's pretty easy to see why Halloween sucked for you. I mean... pooping your pants... that pretty much seals the deal. But there are just so many reasons here for you to despise Halloween, yet you seem to have made peace with it. Perhaps as time goes on, and you have kids of your own, then Halloween will become what it should have always been for you... a joy.Halloween SucksOct 15, 2015View
2964ArticleVaporman87Lots of great "final Halloween" stories this year. Very funny and enjoyable. I think I would have to question the friendship of somebody who left me to suffer the consequences of her own dirty actions. LOL. But in the end, it certainly made for a memorable final outing. Fun read!Halloween: 10 year old terrorOct 16, 2015View
2965ArticleVaporman87Well, here is something I wasn't expecting. This is definitely unique among the 350 articles that have been submitted here in this site's short life. It is... a story. I hadn't considered a work of fiction as anything I would ever come across here. So I wasn't sure how to react. All I know is... I loved it! So this brings us to a crossroads: What do we, as a membership, define as an "article"? Must it be purely based in reality? Reviews, top ten lists, descriptions of actual past events, etc... are these to be the only works we consider appropriate for a submission? I vote NO. Why? Because our memories and our pop culture are finite. What do we do when we're "tapped out"? Will our well run dry and leave nothing new to be written by some? I think it's possible. Because I made no stipulation that a work of fiction could not be entered, I am allowing this. But we need to, as a group, discuss this further amongst ourselves. What do YOU think? Make your voice heard <a href="">here.</a>Fright Night - A Retro NarrativeOct 16, 2015View
2981ArticleVaporman87Funny thing about "Who's That Girl"... my best friend and I used to loathe that song and the movie. When it was released, we poked fun at it endlessly. We went so far as to make it a running gag in some of our "radio broadcasts" (just us pretending to have a radio show recorded on cassette tapes). Usually it ended up being something about Madonna being sued or Madonna suing someone else over the song or the movie. I still don't care for Madonna, but she sure made for some great kid humor fodder.Top 10 Madonna Songs from the 80s and 90sOct 21, 2015View
2982ArticleVaporman87A perfect article for Back To The Future Day! Thanks for making it official here at the Daze. I'm looking forward to hearing your new Podcast. I think it's a fun idea for a theme, and one I'd be interested in listening to when time allows.Back To The Future MemoriesOct 21, 2015View
2990ArticleVaporman87The only show from the list here that I recall seeing at any point in it's entirety (a full episode) was Hey Dude. And that was likely because I found either Kelly Brown or Christine Taylor too attractive to turn the channel. My All Time Favorite Nick ShowsOct 23, 2015View
2991ArticleVaporman87Ahhh! Great read. I see so many things here that I either had or wanted, and a few things that I had and didn't remember until just now that I did! Like some of those Rock Lords and that space shuttle/pterodactyl Transformer. Ahhh, sooo much great stuff in here. I circled EVERYTHING!!! The OTHER Good Thing About OctoberOct 23, 2015View
2992ArticleVaporman87These are some very interesting choices, and all of them I think would be fun to play today! I loved some of the humor in this one too. " Is Daddy an ex-Green Beret whose battle-honed reflexes would cause him to instantly snap the neck of the first person in the vicinity when we wakes? Is that what happened to Mommy and why she isn’t sharing the bed with him?" LOL. I love this stuff. I would add one game to this list, called "Nightmare" from Chieftain. It was a part of the whole VHS board game craze: <img src="">5 Spooky Board GamesOct 23, 2015View