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Displaying 4751-4760 of 5269 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
5253ArticleoniparGreat article! I sorta missed the Pokemon boat somehow. I think the recent Detective Pokemon was the first Pokemon related entertainment I ever consumed, despite having that Pokemon 20000 movie on VHS at one point.  Aug 26, 2020View
5254ArticlevkimoSome ages and experiences just go together like PB&J - 10 and Summer like you mentioned, 16 and in love, 35 and balding...Great readSummer's EndAug 27, 2020View
5255ArticleoniparGlad you enjoyed, Vkimo! Yeah, I feel like ten was that perfect summer age. Summer's EndAug 27, 2020View
5256ArticleBenjanimewhen i was still living at a mobile home park at age 10 i had a friend that enjoyed doing risky stuff for fun, going out in the woods was one, since there was an area right beside the park, and even going to an abandoned shed and jumping off the roof to land on a double mattress. i felt like those were the most fun days of my childhood.Summer's EndAug 28, 2020View
5257ArticleMr MagicWow, there was pure poetry in that article. But when you think about it, kids have it worse today. They have to go back to school in August, rather than September, like we used to.Summer's EndAug 28, 2020View
5258ArticleoniparBenjanime, Oh yeah, I can relate. Living in Brooklyn, we did some questionable things as kids. Probably lucky we didn't get hurt. Mr. Magic, Thanks! Yeah, that's so true. I was surprised kids were already back to school when I found out this year. Especially because I don't start teaching until Monday (college).Summer's EndAug 29, 2020View
5259ArticleVaporman87We always returned to school the third or final week of August. I know this because the County Fair was the “last hurrah” of Summer for us (and was held the second week of August) and we would see kids from school there knowing that we’d be seeing them again in just a week or two.Summer's EndSep 01, 2020View
5260ArticleVaporman87I rarely got in trouble. But I did get hurt doing stupid stuff. Like going down into the woods and swinging from vines, only to lose my grip and land on my back -- knocking the wind out of me real good. My step-brother at that time had an accident on that same vine. On the back-swing, he smashed into another tree, right in the groin. Ouch. He had to have stitches even. Couldn't wear underwear for a week or two. Then there were our numerous crashes riding a wagon down the hill leading to our houses. Risky business: Summer activitiesSep 04, 2020View
5261ArticleVaporman87It was the beginning of the "gross out" market! Slime, hideous toys, etc. were everywhere by the mid-80s. But yeah... I think of slime, I think of the Slime Pit for sure.For the Love of SlimeSep 04, 2020View
5262ArticleMr MagicWhat were you guys doing in the woods? Looking for a body like those kids in Stand by Me? XDRisky business: Summer activitiesSep 04, 2020View