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Displaying 4721-4730 of 5258 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
2641ArticleVaporman87Yeah, that was the difficulty of being a fan of shows not yet in syndication. I do think that some channels would show multiple episodes of the show from past seasons. Like maybe the earlier seasons were entered into syndication, while the first run shows airing. Still, the Brady's were great. Like you said, the saccharine nature of the show made you feel good inside, even when they were having issues. Kind of like the shows from the 50's and early 60's, everyone happy with their roles in life, never anything too stressful going on. People are always friendly, if not a bit nosy. Mayberryesque, if you will.  Sep 13, 2015View
2643ArticleVaporman87I know for a fact that my sister and I had created Shrinky Dinks a couple of times in our youth (with help from mom), but I recall thinking that, although cool, they weren't that practical. I think the novelty of it wore off quickly with me, and I never really asked for any more after that.Shrinky DinksSep 13, 2015View
2644ArticleVaporman87You know, when I first read this I thought, "C'mon... seriously?" Then I remembered that I once had an irrational fear of Bert and Ernie. But the thing was, it was only at night... in bed. During the day, I could watch them on Sesame Street and not give it a second thought. But at night they bothered me for whatever reason. If I would think about them, I would have a hard time getting to sleep. Then I would, occasionally, see one or both of them in my dreams, and though they weren't physically assaulting me or threatening me, I wanted away from them. So weird!!!Muppet MayhemSep 14, 2015View
2647ArticleVaporman87One day onipar is going to come across a weird film that, when watched, results in him being haunted by visions and eventually done in. VHS Television Treasure HuntSep 14, 2015View
2649ArticleVaporman87In my teenage years, I don't think I was ever escorted to the Principal's office (except one "faux" escort that was done to scare me - that's another story). But in my elementary school years, I was there a time or two. Mostly because we were horsing around in the school when we were supposed to be outside for recess. You see, we had this club that we called The Destroyers (and later... C.Y.G.A. "Citizen Young Guardian Avengers"... LOL). Our mission was simple: Stay inside the school during recess, and don't get caught. Well, while we were quite stealthy for our age, we didn't always escape the roaming eyes of the teachers.The Principal's OfficeSep 15, 2015View
2650ArticleVaporman87I can't say I care too much for the flavor or texture of those little mellowcream pumpkins, but I have to give it to you... this is pure genius. LOL I wish I would have thought to do this in my youth. I would have had a blast turning my Joes into pumpkin people, all with varying face designs. If you DO make a few here in the present, I must see them! LOLMellowcreme MadnessSep 15, 2015View
2655ArticleVaporman87@massreality: So basically we can't believe a word you say. LOL. You are probably lying about not lying in this story even. For shame. Seriously though, that seems like a poor way to handle the situation on the part of the Principal. Especially if the student does not have any record of causing trouble. Then again, I've known my fair share of crappy Principals. So maybe it's just part of the job desription.The Principal's OfficeSep 17, 2015View
2659ArticleVaporman87I do recall that I liked watching Dennis The Menace (the cartoon) and I also liked reading the comic strip/panel. But I think my most potent memory of Dennis comes from his affiliation with Dairy Queen. Long after Dennis' fame peaked, DQ kept him in our consciousness with their use of his likeness. I still can't get the intro song out of my head either. <iframe width="420" height="315" src="" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe> I am curious to know what you thought about the old TV show, and the movies that came later?Menace ManiaSep 18, 2015View
2660ArticleVaporman87Wow. Very nice list Hoju. This was a fun recap of some of my favorite mascots from the good old days. I would have to say that the Noid was also on the top of my list. He had that great quality of being the loveable bad guy. And that's hard to achieve, especially for something like an ad campaign. I wish they would bring him back in full force. I might consider buying a Dominos Pizza if they did. LOL I would only add two honorable mentions here... those being the California Raisins, and Spuds McKenzie. I liked Spuds a lot (I had a couple Spuds McKenzie t-shirts in my youth). Even though he was the mascot of a product I could not purchase (nor did I want to), he was fun and cool. You know, I think I may actually STILL own one of those Spuds McKenzie t-shirts. LOL5 Best Food Mascots of the 80's and 90'sSep 18, 2015View
2662ArticleVaporman87This was an interesting list with lots of curious choices. I think the Halloween season lends itself to all sorts of different films that, even though they may not be "Halloween" in nature, produce the desired effect. I can see each of these doing just that. A handful of these actually have scenes that make an appearance in this year's RetroDaze Halloween Special. So you have definitely picked some highly regarded Halloween fare here. Halloween Movie CountdownSep 18, 2015View