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Displaying 4721-4730 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
3119VideoMr MagicVery pleasant tune. Nov 17, 2015View
1196ArticleHoju KoolanderVery sweet story and vivid descriptions of your moments of childhood disappointment and elation. I wasn't the most competitive kid and didn't make much money in our school's Jog-A-Thon, but if a toy had been on the line I would have summoned "my speed of the puma".The Best Day EverSep 03, 2014View
4150ArticleHoju KoolanderVery sweet story of Brotherly Love (sans the Lawrence Brothers). The idea of not understanding the odds against you in these contests is so right on. Ahh, the optimism of childhood.My Sister and the Harriet the Spy Nickelodeon Contest Sep 24, 2017View
3099ArticleHoju KoolanderVery thorough story. I had a great affection for the Warner Bros. Studio Store as well. They were the only place with a dedicated super hero section, so I was always up for that. Suncoast was also a favorite, so many weird and previously unknown videos to discover. Memories of the Nanuet MallNov 11, 2015View
1340ArticleHoju KoolanderVery universal and true on the best list, though spider-rings never did it for me. On the worst list I would add money. Not because free money is bad, but the houses that did this usually gave out nickels. Maybe you could get a piece of Bazooka Joe gum at 7-11 for that price, but the disappointment of getting 5 cents that wasn't even enough for a vending machine was pretty major for a kid who watched Scrooge McDuck swimming in the stuff every afternoon.Top 5 Best and Worst things to get in...Sep 27, 2014View
1895ArticleVaporman87Very well said fuschnikt. Those kids are in good hands with you.This Is Why I'm Going To HellFeb 06, 2015View
833ArticleVaporman87Very, VERY rarely, I would end up receiving a dime or quarter. That was annoying. It was less obnoxious than receiving a bunch of pennies, but still essentially telling the trick-or-treater, "I was too lazy to go buy candy, so go buy some yourself."Top 5 Best and Worst things to get in...Oct 16, 2013View
5624Article Video games are a product of the entertainment industry. Most of the gaming contracts are not following legal laws. This is true since the gaming industry is a new thing in our society. We don't yet have the proper mechanisms and legislation that will regulate the terms and agreements for all games coming from the different companies. Also, I don't like how big gaming platforms like steam restrict their players to sell the accounts and their profiles to other people at online platforms like, I don't find this fair.Classic games that deserve modern remakesMar 30, 2022View
2783ArticleVaporman87Video? I never doubted your true believer status NLogan. Your entry in last year's contest pretty well cemented that as fact. The Unsung Heroes of HalloweenOct 06, 2015View
736VideoMr MagicVisions of the 90s are dancing in my head.Ren and Stimpy rap commercialJul 20, 2013View