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Displaying 4691-4700 of 5257 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
4266ArticleDirtyD79Hot Wheels and Matchbox were some of my favorite toys as a kid. We had the Hotwheels sto n' go city as well as the construction site. I didn't really have much of a preference for one brand over the other, I pretty much only really cared about what looked cool.  Jan 04, 2018View
4655ArticleDirtyD79People can make all the noise they want about Amazon but if you really want to see what's killing malls, pay attention the next time you're out driving around. Take a look at how many shopping centers, unattached stores, and strip malls you see. I know going to this one mall near me depending on the route I take I could pass either two or four different shopping centers and several unattached stores on the way there. It kind of defeats the purpose of having a mall. Mall MemoriesNov 02, 2018View
2330ArticledannydWas Chldren's Palace real? I don't know - I never saw one in real life. But, I know that Child World was real - I worked at one from 1986 until they closed for good in 1992. Everything that you said in your post is true - it truly was an amazing store, and even though I'm "all grown up", I still miss it. Getting back to your question again - Was Children's Palace real? Check out a new website that I've been working on, dedicated to Child World Children's Palace Was RealJun 26, 2015View
2331ArticledannydI think a spam filter filtered out the website URL - replace the DOT with a . ChildWorld DOT ROCKS or ToysWereUs DOT COM Thanks - I'm hoping to make this a place where we can prove that not only were they real, but they are still alive Children's Palace Was RealJun 26, 2015View
2333vhsCoverBuddyBoy600altYes, Disney's Marsupilami is awesome!Marsupilami-Marsuper-DuperJun 28, 2015View
2502ArticleDobesovYou can still re-live the magic of the arcade through your floor! Mall ArcadeAug 11, 2015View
2738ArticleSlayer3That's awesome, I did not know that he did the voice. I can definitely hear it now.Movies that damaged me as a child - Part 1Oct 01, 2015View
2889Articleashleyb85I think a lot of the 90s trends are making a comeback (the tattoo chockers, etc.). Some of them I'd still wear today, but some.. not so much, haha. I'm really hoping the excessively wide legged jeans do not make a comeback. My most dreaded aspect of that time period, is when my mother would perm my hair. I rocked the curly hair for so long, that I think my hair permanently became curly. It's still wavy to this day, but it was straight before she permed it. Things I Loved About the 90sOct 13, 2015View
2893Articleashleyb85SNICK was absolutely amazing!! I miss it very much! Things I Loved About the 90sOct 14, 2015View
3234Articleashleyb85You should definitely check out Nightmare Before Christmas, mickyarber!!!Top 5 Favorite Christmas Horror MoviesDec 21, 2015View