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Displaying 461-470 of 5259 results.
IDPost TypePosted ByCommentTitlePosted On 
1763ArticleVaporman87Well what do you know? pikachulover has a Phroomf! That pretty well cements this as being a West Coast phenomenon. One that I wish East Coasters would have had the privilege of enjoying! >:( Jan 06, 2015View
2115ArticlevkimoWell we continued to talk and flirt in class, but I was so young and mom was pretty overbearing so I couldn't do much outside of class. "Lilly" used to call me almost every single night, almost to the point of irritation. It got to the point where my folks would answer and say I wasn't there haha guess the ladies couldn't resist yours truly!!Dirty DancingMar 20, 2015View
1010ArticleMissMWell Vaporman, with one of the main characters killed off half way through, the other half really focused on the other "main" character and trying to solve the mystery of who was killing everyone. It was certainly a different kind of departure from what I had been reading at the time. And Erik, this was really the only Valentine's Day book I recall reading when I was younger. And I'm not exactly sure this would really count, aside from it taking place around Valentine's Day. lol And I know what you mean about stories where the main couple doesn't end up getting together. I relate to that and in some ways I enjoy that being an ending because there is the happiness that the two people love each other, but then there is the gut wrenching sadness that they won't be together. It makes for epic story telling. Sometimes. Other times a girl can only dream that a happily ever after is in the cards. For the Love of V-Day! Part 3Feb 18, 2014View
1185ArticleBenjanimewell the avgn DID point out that the wizard was one big advertisement, mostly for that power glove, and just to make everyone in the U.S. go nuts over super mario bros. 3 before it got released in the statesNintendo Is a Wizard at Product PlacementAug 25, 2014View
1960ArticleVaporman87Well that stinks. At least there was forgiveness for you in the end. I know there have been interactions with my friends growing up that I definitely needed forgiveness from someone for (just see my comments on Hoju's "Being The Fat Kid" article). Even so, these are really just innocent, youthful mistakes that don't matter in the grand scheme of things. How to ruin a friendship without really tryingFeb 11, 2015View
2272Articlecomic_book_fanwell i was right about my guess of where you were from but my guess of teams for you were far off i would have guest from your hatred of jordan that you were a caves fan or a celtics fan judging by the growing up in the 80's and not liking arrogant players but you were a laker's fan and didn't like arrogent players.My Top 5 Fave NBA Players of the 90'sMay 12, 2015View
5145ArticleNLoganWell I guess that is what I get for taking a nearly 3 year break from this series. I have made an error. I state that the retcon about Wolverine's skeleton being laced with Adamantium in issue 151 is the first time it appears in canon. However I had already found an instance in the previous issue 150 in dialog that Nightcrawler says that it is "laced" instead of made of Adamantium. See Wolverine a Reader's Perspective Part 19. Wolverine a Reader's Perspective Part 20Mar 09, 2020View
3736ArticleVaporman87Well I can say this much for this list... if the plan was to do some product placement for some more exposure, I would fire whoever it was that decided these shows and films were the right way to go. LOL. Game Boy and Game Gear On FilmFeb 12, 2017View
5009Articleechidna64Well done! The John Henry film is my favorite version, I love the B.B. King score. Rabbit Ears Productions: A RetrospectiveAug 15, 2019View
179ArticleAceNThaHoleWell done sir. I will check out that documentary tonight maybe cuz you have me interested ShowBiz Pizza RememberedJan 24, 2013View